as always, we’re back. how’s your week going folks

  • hazel 🤷🏻‍♀️🏳️‍🌈
    1 year ago

    Hi there, I’ve been in that “wouldn’t mind if something happened” phase for five years or so, with spurts of active ideation. I have chronic tonic clonic (lmfao) seizures (epilepsy), have chronic depression, I’ve developed agoraphobia and have been self-isolating similar to you. I’ve also lost 35lbs the past couple years from an already less-than-healthy weight. Every therapy session is about food and it’s exhausting. Every week it’s “what got in your way of eating?”, “what am I missing?”, “How can we make it easier to eat next week?”… (it’s good therapy, just frustrating).

    I’m a good friend but whenever my friends ask about me I feel like I never have anything but doom and gloom when they’re off living l vibrant lives (not without their own struggles of course). So it’s hard to feel like it’s worth being my friend and like I’m doing them a favor pulling away.

    Probably nothing helpful in there, just turned into my own venting… Lol. But if you don’t currently see a psychologist or therapist please do look into it.

      1 year ago

      There’s always some sort of solace in knowing that you’re not alone with your issues, and that others are going through similar things. I’ve occasionally felt like I really shouldn’t have anything to complain about, because it could be worse, but that sort thinking really doesn’t help either