Yeah yeah, socialism and communism is good whatever… The true question is… How do I stop being so horny? This is a big problem communism and socialism will have to solve.

    3 years ago


    The problem isn’t having erotic impulses, it’s having unhealthy reactions to them. Like watching porn(*). Along with the advice Mushroom gave, I suggest stop watching porn and embracing being a sexual person in a way you’re comfortable. Having partner(s) is good too. Or being solo, whatever is better for your situation.

    Unironically hating yourself for “being horny” or being embarassed by it makes it harder to care for yourself. That leaves you with no control.

    (*) There are reasons I call porn an unhealthy thing. I come from an ML and feminist perspective, not a religious or puritanical one. Read about the Communist line on the sex trade and feminism and you’ll understand where I’m coming from. Kollontai is a great place to start.