What a great idea. Go to war with the country that manufactures most of our stuff and charge the country making some of our most high-end stuff for the privilege of existing.
Bad news for Nvidia, but should that be good news for intel since they’re building domestic chip manufacturing?
Is that why NVDA stocks are tanking?
Yeah. It’s having some effect for sure.
“Pay us or china will take you over”.
China rolls in and takes over. TSMC foundry and its technology is then used by china.
Good job trumpy. idiot.
And you just know that if somebody tried to sit him down and explain the purposes and goals of military aid to him, his attention would drift after about the fourth word, then he’d interrupt with, “Yeah but why are we paying? They should be paying us!”
Oh… hey. It just struck me - maybe he thinks that if they pay, he’ll get a percentage…
The purpose of “military aid” is to pay back the defense contractors in your district for campaign contributions, so yeah he probably does think he will (sorta) get a cut.