Original Raptor Call Of The Shadows version 1.2 DOS source code - GitHub - skynettx/dosraptor: Original Raptor Call Of The Shadows version 1.2 DOS source code
It’s just a source release, not even a Linux port done yet. It should be possible to build it for DOS and run it in dosbox but I don’t know the tools required for that.
For what it’s worth, that same github user already reverse-engineered the game : https://github.com/skynettx/raptor and this one should be able to compile on modern platforms.
There is probably a story behind the source release, I wonder what it is…
It’s just a source release, not even a Linux port done yet. It should be possible to build it for DOS and run it in dosbox but I don’t know the tools required for that.
For what it’s worth, that same github user already reverse-engineered the game : https://github.com/skynettx/raptor and this one should be able to compile on modern platforms.
There is probably a story behind the source release, I wonder what it is…