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Not as big as I’m able to take it now! So initially I started off in a DDLG relationship and Daddy wanted me to be ready for him at all times so we started with plug training (an hour a day daily) which honestly really helped and when I outgrew that plug we would size up, I have two punishment plugs for rule breaking which are big plugs but my first punishment plug I can now actually fit quite easily so it’s no longer punishment 😂🙈
I’m curious about your story.
What were you able to do a few months ago and what made you decide to practice?
Not as big as I’m able to take it now! So initially I started off in a DDLG relationship and Daddy wanted me to be ready for him at all times so we started with plug training (an hour a day daily) which honestly really helped and when I outgrew that plug we would size up, I have two punishment plugs for rule breaking which are big plugs but my first punishment plug I can now actually fit quite easily so it’s no longer punishment 😂🙈