Edward Lionheart, a Shakespearean actor, is enraged that his latest play did not win him any prestigious acting awards from critics. After an unsuccessful suicide attempt, Lionheart is rescued by a group of drug-addicted hobos. He then sets out to murder all of his critics, each with a different style of death taken from a Shakespeare play.
Vincent Price is a treasure, especially when he’s able to ham it up! Just watched his episode of The Muppet Show recently. I’ll have to check this out!
Well, you’re in luck then, because this is a Vincent Price hamfest. ;)
Have fun!
A super fun b-movie starring Vincent Price and Diana Rigg. Theatre of Blood has surprisingly creative kills.
Is that Price in the Afro?! Looking good!
Doesn’t he look fabulous?! 😎
He looks… to DIE for!!!
Fun fact: the title of the Spanish dub is “Matar o no matar, éste es el problema” i.e. “To kill or not to kill, that is the question”! I discovered this bc the movie is not free on youtube or archive but the Spanish dub is free on tubi (with optional English subtitles!):