Subtle but noticeable: the correct orientation is on top.
They make a few good points to the under orientation, like if you have a cat that likes to unroll the TP…
When facing away from the wall like in the example image, over the top is the correct way for the majority of use cases because it is the easiest direction for pulling and tearing off the squares. Under because you have cats is an acceptable compromise.
Other directions like sideways to the wall or for the masochists that have vertical roll holders are subpar. Both tend to require fighting the roll with awkward hand placements to keep the roll from continuing to feed paper when you just want to tear it off.
Those spring loaded roll holders are the work of the devil.
I store my toilet paper on its side in a metal box so my cats don’t destroy the roll while I’m not looking.
Catsolution: acceptable
Isn’t there a lot of poop on the wall if you have to grab it close to the wall?
Do you have poop on your hands when you go to grab toilet paper? Because i think you’re doing it wrong.
Wait… you don’t?
You’re supposed to tear it off before wiping, dude!!
What the fuck?
deleted by creator
Extremely controversial topic
Over gang lesgoo