Just remember that Bush sent “terrorists” to Guantanamo Bay so they would not have constitutional protections.
And Dems never put an end to it…
You could argue the base does other stuff like agriculture washes of equipment before returning, but good luck explaining to the Cubans we need a part of their island to hose off shit too dangerous to be hosed off in America.
Actually, they’ve tried. Obama got close. It’s Trump that came around and blocked the transfer of the remaining eligible prisoners Obama had set to release. Trump said he wanted to add more. As of last month, Biden had gotten it down to 15.
Though they did try a number of times.
Yeah but turban browns are scawy and sombrero browns are sometimes friend shaped.
Im going to go out on limb and assume it’s because the place has always been a legal black hole for everyone sent there.
That’s the entire point of gitmo.
It’s not a legal black hole, it’s illegal according to the constitution, and senators should be going there to take pictures and video to show the public what actually happens there.
Makes sense. It’s a legal black ops site.
The Guantanamo Bay legality issue was never resolved, people just forgot about it.
The expanded prison at gitmo is going to come in handy when the US starts rounding up Trumpists and billionaires for reeducation and wealth redistribution.
That’s how this ends. The French perfected the process with the invention of the guillotine.
They perfected it so well that Napoleon was crowned emperor with even more power than the King had 15 years later.
Revolution is never perfect and things often get worse before they get better but the current path that the US is on leads to a bloodbath.
One comment ago:
The French perfected the process
This comment:
Revolution is never perfect
I don’t think I want someone this inconsistent leading the glorious uprising.
It’s going to happen despite the wet blanketing.
Which is going to happen? The perfect thing or the thing that’s never perfect?