Im saying the life of an animal that is kept through its productive years could be a lot worse. I have had to put down dogs because their quality of life was just to poor and you can’t do that with humans. Do the farm animals on a small farm that values their animals die sooner. Yeah. But its still a pretty decent life and longer than the wild would typically give them. If an alien species treated us like cattle they would have to be powerful enough to and if they were there is little we could do about it because after all we would do everything we can. Granted they would know we had reading, writing, and arithmetic and had developed chemistry, physcics, and had at this point started editing our genetic code. With the power they would presumably wield this would be something they would have to debate with themselves and only they could leave us free or not. I mean if we wanted we could have monkey farms or dolphin. Honestly the best arguments I have heard for those are from vegans who push that its all the same anyway so if your not going vegan you might as well eat meat every single meal.
Im saying the life of an animal that is kept through its productive years could be a lot worse. I have had to put down dogs because their quality of life was just to poor and you can’t do that with humans. Do the farm animals on a small farm that values their animals die sooner. Yeah. But its still a pretty decent life and longer than the wild would typically give them. If an alien species treated us like cattle they would have to be powerful enough to and if they were there is little we could do about it because after all we would do everything we can. Granted they would know we had reading, writing, and arithmetic and had developed chemistry, physcics, and had at this point started editing our genetic code. With the power they would presumably wield this would be something they would have to debate with themselves and only they could leave us free or not. I mean if we wanted we could have monkey farms or dolphin. Honestly the best arguments I have heard for those are from vegans who push that its all the same anyway so if your not going vegan you might as well eat meat every single meal.