A new innovation in the retro gaming community now allows you to run your entire PS2 library directly from a $50 memory card, thanks to the Multi-Purpose Memory Card Emulation (MMCE) protocol.
A new innovation in the retro gaming community now allows you to run your entire PS2 library directly from a $50 memory card, thanks to the Multi-Purpose Memory Card Emulation (MMCE) protocol.
That’s cool and all, but you can probably run your entire PS2 library from stuff you already own.
Some people like to play on original hardware but I guess this still being emulation makes that a little cloudy. I certainly couldn’t justify it. I own a computer and wireless controller, so as you said.
Kinda difficult to put all of your game discs into the PS2
Although seeing a CD carousel for it would be pretty neat.
You can install a hard drive and burn your games to it.
I’ve got a hard drive that’ll make you burn
Not if I give ya the cold shoulder.