(Early so I don’t forget)
A heat wave is coming this week!
What do you have planned for your landscape, pots, patch, window box - or even the lone houseplant/cactus in your apartment?
Whaddaya mean “a heatwave is coming” ?!?!?. Please don’t tell me it’s going to get hotter. Nooooooo.
Well I pulled up a few chilli plants out of my veggies garden and will be planting them into pots. I also have some chilli seeds currently sprouting that I have placed on moist kitchen towel so they should be placed into potting mix too.
Edit. Ok after a mild heart attack I have just looked at the prediction for next week and it’s showing highs of 28 which is more favourable than a heatwave.
Second Edit. Apologies if you’re about to cop a heatwave. I looked at my local temps here in SEQ. Stay safe.
Oh yeah, I forgot this instance wasn’t just Melbourne. Sorry. We’ve got some 40 degree days coming up.
Good luck with the chillies
All good mate. We have been having some awful temps up here. The week before this past week we had like 38 degrees. And when the humidity is pushing 96% it’s just no joke. This week has been in the low thirties but it’s damn uncomfortable. So yeah for some silly reason I kinda thought I was on a Brisbane sub, I’m new here.
My citrus trees are having a hell of a time. Not only am I trying to stop citrus leafminers from destroying all the new growth, now locusts are eating all the leaves. I go up to a tree to check, and about a dozen flrying gasshoppers fly off the tree to get away from me. Please stop.
Sowed some carrots at the start of last week, which have now sprouted this week. First time trying carrots, so wish me luck.
Also ordered some seeds from https://www.theseedcollection.com.au/ to try out.