Do you play any games on your smartphone? I’m looking for single player ones to kill some time when waiting for the bus. Ideally they should work without an internet connection, so I can disable network access for that app and play without ads.
I’m currently playing Words of Wonder, but it gets repetitive after a while.
The best mobile games are the games that aren’t actually mobile games but now you can play them on your phone. Old pokemon games on emulator, minecraft, etc
Chess my friend. or Lichess.
If you are on Android you can download OpenMW and play Morrwind on your phone, if you own it on pc. There is also a Civ V clone called Unciv.
Yes. Sadly CoDM dominates the top.
Nobody’s mentioned RollerCoaster Tycoon Classic yet, that’s a good one, it’s RCT2 with the RCT1 scenarios included and with a more touch-friendly interface
(OpenRCT2 exists on Android for free, but you’re probably gonna have a bad time trying to play that with touch lol)
Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga has an excellent port of the game thats exactly 1 to 1, and its only around 6 dollars. Fully singleplayer and offline, and its a nice nostalgia trip, can even do co-op.