Been trying to get some life into !, but it’s been slow growing the subscriber count. I’m really happy to see ! has picked up its own momentum and is getting content beyond just my posts.
I really liked the idea of LongReads but never subbed because most of the posts were depressing long reads.
Checked now and I’m happy to see that alongside peoples’ insurance getting cut off, something about Trump, and something about abortion, there’s articles about knots and Guitar Hero.
Been trying to get some life into !, but it’s been slow growing the subscriber count. I’m really happy to see ! has picked up its own momentum and is getting content beyond just my posts.
I really enjoy the board games community!
Thank you for board games, it’s nice!
I really liked the idea of LongReads but never subbed because most of the posts were depressing long reads.
Checked now and I’m happy to see that alongside peoples’ insurance getting cut off, something about Trump, and something about abortion, there’s articles about knots and Guitar Hero.