• DarkFuture@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I don’t get it here. It’d probably take you an afternoon to put everyone’s birthday in a spreadsheet or calendar

    Yeah, but that’s part of what I’m talking about. It’s already done for me without me lifting a finger. I don’t have to enter all that data. I don’t have to make my own spreadsheet and keep it in multiple locations for retention. I don’t have to use Google calendar since I could probably find something about Google that’s less than desirable. I mean if it was JUST birthdays, I’d pull the plug. But the events thing is pretty clutch. And time is a factor too. I’ve been on Facebook since the beginning. There are quite a few people I would permanently lose if I ditched Facebook. People I’m not that close to but still shoot them a message once in a blue moon. And I think a lot of people can find that ONE thing that keeps them on a platform. It took me a while to move on from Reddit simply because it has so much more content than any competitor.

    If Zuck started allowing the hard R’s on Facebook and started getting really hands on like Musk, personally banning people he doesn’t like and constantly posting the dumbest shit imaginable, I’d have to force myself to pull the plug on Facebook. But I’m not quite there yet.

    You could all leave and have a better atmosphere and platform

    See, I’ve already witnessed this not working. My friends group had a big group chat on Facebook Messenger. One friend decided he was done with Facebook and essentially demanded everyone get Signal to keep in touch with him. It took a month to get people to switch over and form a new group chat and a few friends flat out refused and now we all have to message them separately and they aren’t part of the group discussions anymore and there have been instances where they didn’t know a thing was happening because we all forgot to message them separately about it.

    I’m probably biased here as well, as my age group has left Facebook

    I think this is a big part. Like I said, my friends and I have been on Facebook for 20 years. It’s been a lot easier for me to quit other platforms I haven’t been on that long.

    before Musk changed twitter so dramatically, Facebook was the exemplar of a bad trash platform

    Yeah, Musk really lowered the bar.