Just finished reading this book, and it was very moving. I’ve read one other book by Frederick Backman (And every day the way home gets longer), and loved it as well. Please suggest some books in the same style of these books (a bit more feel good like Ove would be great, but fine either way)

  • rhacer@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Backman is not my wheelhouse. Ludlum, or MacLean, or Weber are. We had a friend from Sweden visit us and he left us “Grandmother.” I of course told him “thank you” and never expected to read it.

    And then I did. And then I introduced it to my wife. And since then we’ve read it all.

    I can honestly say more tears have been shed, and more feelings felt over Backman than any other writer. He has extraordinary insight into humans and how complicated we, and the relationships we form are.