Saudia Arabia is planning this Line City,_Saudi_Arabia
As a civil engineer, i have a few questions for you.
Is this interesting as a project?
What if anything would excite you about it?
What are obvious challenges, and what do you suspect might be much harder than any lay person would think of planning/building this?
What is a civil engineer really?
It’s someone who designs infrastructure, so roads, buildings, bridges, sewer systems, etc. Basically if you think about anything a construction worker builds, a civil engineer/team of engineers designed it. There are different categories of civil engineers. Structural engineers make sure a building can handle the weight of everything on/in it. Transportation engineers design highways. I’m a geotechnical engineer, so I deal with soils (dirt) and make sure the ground can support whatever is being built.
I’m soon going to study as a software engineer, but in my country that’s also called a “civil engineer”, is that true in English, as well?
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Wow, that must’ve been a struggle 😓
Only for some time. Job boards in their early days were simplistic in their capture of information, you either pasted or attached a cover letter & CV but they would quickly become much more granular in gathering a lot more information about your skills, even if this made the application process a lot longer than before. It had the benefit of your skillset defining your ability rather than the title of your degree obscuring it. Also, OCR & language translation advanced really quickly there after.