I want to be able to sleep in my next car, and not have it be a miserable experience.

Is there anything you can suggest to me that will suit someone who is 6’4" or 193 cm?

I’m not very familiar with cars, so anything that might seem obvious to you I could be overlooking.

I’m also not interested in style, at all. I only want functionality/reliability (I want it to work, bells and whistles don’t matter) and low prices.

  • Thrashy@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Pardon the Reddit link, but this is a useful resource: https://www.reddit.com/r/whatcarshouldIbuy/comments/z1y2nq/best_suv_to_sleep_in_the_back_of/

    You ideally want something with a couple rows of fold-flat seating, which could allow you to throw a pad or air mattress across the seats and have a relatively comfortable time of it. Regrettably many of the best options on that front are crap for reliability (don’t buy a Chrysler product if you want it to last!) but something like a Ford Flex should be affordable, reasonably reliable, and comfortable for car camping or similar.