Finished Practical Demonkeeping by Christopher Moore. It was a fine book, enjoyed reading it, at least the latter half.

Started The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson. Third and final book the of Mistborn series, well the first era anyway. This is quite a dreary book, but it concludes everything so that’s good.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?

Just a note, next weekly thread falls on 31st Dec, so we are going to skip that, see you in week after that, in 2025!

There’s a Midyear Bingo check-in post, do take a look. Even if you haven’t started this year’s Book Bingo, you can still join, as there are still 6 months remaining!

For details, you can checkout the initial Book Bingo, and it’s Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.

  • dresden@discuss.onlineOPM
    2 months ago

    I haven’t read it myself, but have heard good things about it. Would love to hear your opinion once you have finished it.

      1 month ago

      Sorry, completely forgot to come back to this comment!

      I really enjoyed it, on the whole. The plot was tight and well paced, with a slightly languorous main plot intertwined and illuminated by a series of flashbacks. It does well with its central concepts (especially its core concept, the nature of individual identity and self for someone who exists as part of a larger entity), and has an interesting take on use of language (particularly the way it handles gender).

      The only real criticism is that in places the prose itself can be a little clunky, occasionally getting itself tangled up in messes of commas and subclauses for no good reason. But mostly the editing seems tight enough to avoid this becoming a major problem.

      I’d give it a 4/5 on my recommend-o-metre; enjoyable and worth the time (which, incidentally, isn’t very long as its a relatively short read), but not without qualifications.

      I’ve just started reading the sequel, after a few weeks break, so I’m hoping that’ll manage to keep to the same standards.

      • dresden@discuss.onlineOPM
        10 days ago

        Ah, thanks for the info. Will add it to my list.

        And no worries, I have been pretty busy myself lately, hence just getting around to your comment 😀