The reason you don’t see headlines mentioning Linux is because they are a tiny minority that nobody cares about.
Not only that, but also the unnecessary removal of features that some people actually use and might even like…
Shit, another community I’m gonna need to block
The fact we’re still on Windows should tell you something about Linux.
It tells you more something about how lazy and lethargic the average consumer is. How hot and fast you can boil the water of that particular frog species before it even starts to think of jumping ship.
As long as X game with horrible anti-cheat and Y commercial software with a million dollar monopoly on its polish works the average windows user just does not care what Microsoft does.
Or the average consumer just doesn’t care enough about computers.
It may sound wack to the average tech fan, but there are plenty of people who never even visit the internet, let alone own a computer.
Ah yes. The lazy and lethargic consumers that need to use that Y software, and want to play that X game. How dare they.
So if how good of a time it is to switch to Linux is always on an upward trajectory, then wouldn’t waiting to switch be the best thing to do?
I would say no. Because the tolerability of maintaining the status quo with Microsoft has been on an ever steepening downward trajectory.
Since leaving Windows for personal use in 2007, each and every new thing MS has done has validated that decision.
Micro$oft is the best advertsiter for Linux!