Well, Trump’s got elected, I’m deeply peeved about the future, and I need to feel like I can see the future coming.

Fuck it. Here’s some off-the-cuff predictions, because I need to

  1. There’s a Spike in Infanticides

Under normal circumstances, anyone who doesn’t want to deal with raising crotch goblins has two major options: use contraception to keep the pregnancy from happening at all, or shitcan the unborn fetus by getting an abortion.

Abortion’s been on the way out since Roe v. Wade got double-tapped, and contraception’s probably gonna get nuked as well, so giving the baby to an early grave is probably gonna be the only option for most unwanted births.

Chance: Low/Moderate. This is more-or-less pure gut feeling I’m going on, and chances there’s gonna be a lot of abortions getting recorded as infanticides and skewing the numbers

  1. America’s Reputation Nosedives

Gonna just copy-paste istewart’s comment for this, because bro said it better than I could:

I am left thinking that many people here in the US are going to have a hard time accepting that having this person, at this stage in his life, as the national figurehead will do permanent damage to the US’ prestige and global standing. Doesn’t matter if Reagan was sundowning, media was more controlled then and his handlers were there to support the institution of the presidency at least as much as they were there to support a narcissist. In 2016, other countries could look at Trump as a temporary aberration and wait him out. This time, it’s clear that the US is no longer a reliable partner.

Chance: Near-Guaranteed. With 2016, the US could point to Hillary winning the popular vote to blunt the damage. 2024 gives no real way to spin it - a majority of Americans explicitly wanted Trump as president. Whatever he does, its in their name.

  1. Violence Against Silicon Valley

I’ve already predicted this before, but I’m gonna predict it again. Whether its because Trump scapegoats the Valley as someone else predicted, labor comes to believe peace is no longer an option, someone decides “fuck it, time to make Uncle Ted proud”, or God-knows-what-else, I fully expect there’s gonna be direct and violent attacks on tech at some point.

No clue on the exact form either - could be someone getting punched for wearing Ray-Ban Autodoxxers, could be rank-and-file employees getting bombed, could be Trumpies pulling a Pumped Up Kicks, fuck if I know.

Chance: Moderate. The tech industry’s managed to piss off both political wings for one reason or another, though the left’s done a good job not resorting to pipe bombs during my lifetime.

  1. Another Assassination Attempt

With Trump having successfully evaded justice on his criminal convictions (which LegalEagle’s discussed in depth), any hope that he’s going to see the inside of a jail cell is virtually zero. This leaves vigilante justice as the only option for anyone who wants this man to face anything approaching consequences for his actions.

Chance: Low. Presidents are very well-protected these days, though Trump’s own ego and stupidity may end up opening him up to an attempt.

  1. A Total Porn Ban

Project 2025 may be defining everything even remotely queer as “pornography”, but nothing’s stopping a Trump presidency from putting regular porn on the chopping block as well. With the existing spate of anti-porn laws in the US, there’s already some minor precedent.

Chance: Moderate/High. Porn doesn’t enjoy much political support from either the Dems or the Reps, though the porn industry could probably get the Dems’ support if it knows what its doing.

  • averyminya@beehaw.org
    4 months ago

    Prediction: like 2016, we will see a spike in hate crimes across the board from white supremacists against queer and POC. We will also likely see a spike in misogyny, both in language and action against women. Both of these will be fueled by the rhetoric of Trump.

    As a result of this, bad people will be more brazen.

    Like 2016, I expect to see more white supremacist Nazi rallies, like the ones that went through Oregon and many other states.

    I expect that police department staffing will start rising again. This had slowly been declining, but I expect that “the party of law and order” will try to make being a cop cool again.