Following another thread a few days ago someone’s comment is stuck in my head:
Quick background: I’ve spent about 20 years in technology. I’ve been an in-house dev for a traditional company. I’ve been a sales engineer for a small software company. I then went to a FAANG and spent 10+ years as a sales engineer, software engineer and engineering manager. The last year+ I’ve been on a self-funded sabbatical to try to figure out what I want to do next. I just… haven’t done a whole lot of figuring.
I’d strongly prefer something part-time, and also strongly prefer something that’s nearly 100% remote.
Ideas that have come to mind:
- Software sales engineering (again)
- Technical Project Manager
- Entry level dev work
- Get certified to be a SalesForce administrator
- Something something DevOps?
I think I’d like something where there was a queue of work to pull from and just get some shit done. Over the last 5-10 years it got exhausing having to be involved in mostly long-term planning and not get the pavlovian “oh I just closed another bug” itch scratched. Though I guess that somewhat eliminates the TPM idea?
For any of the above, or something else, I don’t even know where to start. Are there decent temp agencies to work for who can farm you out? Do they deal with part-timers? I could probably work my network as well to try to find something.
I honestly had my sights set on doing some sales and consulting based on the ERPnext platform, an open source solution that uses Frappe. I am still working out some of the wrinkles but I am wondering there might be a business opportunity because ERPnext looks like it could literally be game-changin.