• fiat_lux@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    I understand completely, and you’re right to question it. The answer is that a lot of these behaviours are pretty normal, and it is very possible to identify with some of the memes even if you don’t have ADHD. It’s when they just keep resonating with you on a really fundamental level, across your entire lifetime, that you should maybe be suspicious. ADHD has a genetic component too, so it might help think about your parents’ behaviours and if they also match.

    My psych had me complete this self assessment quiz (ASRS v1.1) before my first appointment for evaluation. It might help you too: https://psychology-tools.com/test/adult-adhd-self-report-scale

    • ciaocibai@lemmy.nz
      1 year ago

      That’s interesting - thanks for sharing. I got 6/6 for the first section and 9/12 for the first section. I have a follow up question too - is there any benefit to being diagnosed as an adult? Not sure if it’s actually worthwhile or makes a difference. Looking back I’ve had numerous people comment to me that I seem ADHD, but I just assumed that’s a (bad) joke.

      • fiat_lux@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        Medication has opened up a whole new world to me, I wish I had known decades prior. It has also given me a better understanding of my body and the way it works, and very importantly: what I need to watch out for. It also made a bunch of old life experiences make sense for the first time.

        ADHD is one of the few neuro conditions they have found reliable and useful medication for, with very few negatives, including my favourite: no withdrawals. I think it’s worth exploring, even if you decide you’re fine the way you are afterwards with no intervention.

        Good luck, it is a trip!