I’ve a Travelers Notebook cover in A5, possibly of unofficial Chinese origin but quite fit for purpose.

It does quite well at carrying a Cousin, a similar notebook, and a wallet insert, along with a solid handful of pens, and my keys on a strap run through the pen loop.

The one thing I’ve had trouble making part of my system - right or wrong - is a method of carrying a handful of cigarettes and a lighter.

Right now that task falls to a flip top cigarette case that I replace ~annually due to wear, with a pouch for the zippo as well as one for an emergency disposable lighter.

This being a creative community by nature, thought I’d look for ideas or products fitting the bill that have worked for others.

If a product exists akin to the wallet insert, even if I had to load smokes one-deep as with metal cases, that might suffice. Haven’t seen anything that “just straps on”.

Bonus points if said wallet style insert includes someplace suitable to cram a handful of spare pills for when I’m out longer than expected, etc.

As of now, I’ve nearly managed to fit my whole life in there. Carried a backpack for years, mostly to handle the small ephemera, but I’ve recently had my shoulder worked on so that’s a bit of a challenge.

Mostly, a bottle of tylenol and the like, along with smoker’s paraphernalia, are what end up in there along with the notebook. Seems a bit of a waste if the lot could all fit together.

  • ____@infosec.pubOP
    5 months ago

    Sometimes I can’t see the forest for the trees - didn’t even cross my mind that those unused slots in the leather cover would likely do a nice job with a zippo.