Looney Tunes (An entire episode was dedicated to the Coyote and Road Runner). That show had numerous other references too, including an appearance of the Enterprise itself.
Dr Strangelove or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Bomb. (Dear John and Hi There for instance)
Dark Crystal
Star Wars
There are many many more. The entire show was one big reference to something else.
One of the more esoteric Star Trek references was the aliens urinating. In Star Trek, no one pees. The only time any time of shower/rest room is shown in the entire franchise is in ST:TMP when the Ilia drone appears on the Enterprise. There might be a scene in ST:TOS where Kirk comes out of a door with wet hair and a towel around his shoulders, but that’s it.
About the only franchise/movie that I cannot think of a reference in Farscape is Stargate.
My kids made a better choice:
The superior version.
That’s awesome.
Farscape is like Mormonism — gotta watch Trek first to catch the references!
You have to watch a LOT more than that!
Some other references:
2001 A Space Odyssey
Looney Tunes (An entire episode was dedicated to the Coyote and Road Runner). That show had numerous other references too, including an appearance of the Enterprise itself.
Dr Strangelove or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Bomb. (Dear John and Hi There for instance)
Dark Crystal
Star Wars
There are many many more. The entire show was one big reference to something else.
One of the more esoteric Star Trek references was the aliens urinating. In Star Trek, no one pees. The only time any time of shower/rest room is shown in the entire franchise is in ST:TMP when the Ilia drone appears on the Enterprise. There might be a scene in ST:TOS where Kirk comes out of a door with wet hair and a towel around his shoulders, but that’s it.
About the only franchise/movie that I cannot think of a reference in Farscape is Stargate.
Archer takes a shower on Enterprise. I think it was a Delphic Expanse episode. There was also that whole decon thing.
Jankom Pog mentions putting a sonic toilet out of commission. They don’t show it, but they do give us the flushing sound as he exits.
Voyager has a detailed sonic shower scene with B’Elanna Torres.
Then there is Lower Decks…
That’s because Stargate made references to Farscape, not the other way around.
You mean when it becamse “Fargate” or “Starscape”?
I really liked Ben Browder and Claudia Black in Stargate, however it was really jarring and took a while to get used to.