Hey friends!! I know our numbers are not has big here as our group once was but I love you all. I was in the Reddit snark when we were under 500 and I appreciate you all!! It’s World Mental Health day - an important day to me - but the past few years I have felt disgusted as every influencer with perfect profile photos and the most idiotic traumas use today to be “relatable” or “real”. It’s so gross seeing their posts complaining about everyday shit like folding the laundry or watching TV in the middle of the day.
Whatever you’re struggling with I hope you all feel seen, supported and loved. If not - find it, find someone to help you find it. If you’re feeling heavy today I hope you know you are a real WOW - worthy and fuckin important.
On my snark note our B Sarah is so self observed in France that she forgot skinsuits birthday and to play her mental heath card. Influencer priorities - just tuck stuff away until it’s convenient!
She is just beyond belief. She’s going to Paris and only has 2 hours but thinks she should go to Disney instead of seeing Paris. I don’t know why anyone follows her. She doesn’t appreciate the opportunities she’s been given.
Ugh. This pisses me off. This entitled bitch is humming and haaaing about going to Disney paris while the world ismin chaos. NC is under water…war in Middle East, hurricane about to hit Tampa hard, people under financial stress and she has the audacity to ask her followers if she should go to Disney to take a pic (would have to pay to get in which isn’t cheap) or go at a later time for the full experience. Fucken hate her!