What’s interesting to me is of course how cheaply Bioshock got made compared to today’s blockbuster hits. Somewhere, we took the wrong turn in regards to modern game development, truly.

Too many managers to pay and as a result too high personel costs, I would assume. :<

  • halfeatenpotato
    3 months ago

    I have so many beautiful memories of playing BioShock. What a game. BioShock 2 was exciting, although not as good as the first one (to me), but very cool that I got to play as a Big Daddy. BioShock Infinite was just great - elements of the base game, but a genuinely fresh story that didn’t feel forced (ahem Bioshock 2…).

    All that to say that this hurts to read. BioShock meant/means so much to me. I hate the current state of the gaming industry.