Pork can also be eaten raw, if you slice it into thin slices like bacon, and put it in a laser cutter that only fry the fat. (take a picture, use image manipulation to make a mask that guides the laser cutter)
Should be completely fine TM
Pork can also be eaten raw, if you slice it into thin slices like bacon, and put it in a laser cutter that only fry the fat. (take a picture, use image manipulation to make a mask that guides the laser cutter)
Should be completely fine TM
To be fair, (I hate Nintendo because of their crusade on open source software), but to be fair,
ps2 had issues on some Ps1 games, the list is short though, and the last few revisions of ps2 even software emulated Ps1 (don’t know the compatibility difference with hardware backwards compatibility)
Ps3 had issues with even more ps2 games, and only the first few revisions had hardware backwards compatibility, the ps2 emulation on ps3 without hardware compatibility is a mess
PS5 has issues with some ps4 games, including but not limited to psvr games, and I think I saw an official in incompatibility list by sony
Wii backwards compatibility i dont know about any issues except with games that use hardware accessories, maybe someone knows more? Later revisions dropped backward compatibility, but the hardware is still present, and homebrew will help you.
As for switch 2 to switch 1 backwards compatibility speculation, here is a educated guess. The asterisk is referring to lobo games and some other games with accessories. Why this speculative conclusion? Because of the way the hardware inside it works.
The arm cpu can be optionally designed to be completely backwards compatible. But is it? (more on that soon). The gpu part of the SOC, is most certainly not 100% binary compatible, because of what we already know about the architecture changes between these gpu generations. This isn’t limited to arm and nvidia gpus, ps5 also has these issues with x86 jaguar to ryzen, and Radeon generations.
So what about your experience with pc gpus, and cpus, and ps5 to ps4 compatibility etc? Well, emulation, the instructions, that are not compatible are emulated in software, this is common place, and in practice it works quite well. The main issue comes down to timing. Some things take different amount of time to do, like an instruction can take fewer cycles. Or if it’s emulated it can take more cycles. Emulation does work well, even if it often can have timing issues. Some times instructions from a future generation can possibly be emulated on your pc cpu. I can remember my friends computer using an installed windows driver, to emulate a future version of the SSE instruction set, I think it was SSE 2 or 2.1, it worked well enough to play VR games (oculus rift dev kit 1 days).
Another issue is that when cpu makers deprecate instructions some times, but they do this in a quite annoying way, they can add a wait, so an instruction takes much longer to run than previous cpus.
I’m not confident enough to talk in this detail about GPUs, because as we all experience, the high level compatibility api like directX or vulkan do all this all the time for us, and I don’t know graphics programming. But I do know this is more of an issue on consoles talking more directly to the hardware. But lots of switch games use vulkan so, those should TM work fine… But some games can also be programmed (intentionally like rogue squadron on GameCube, or unintentionally) to need an unintended or undocumented feature of the vulkan implementation on the switch, and those may or may not work on switch 2
Nvidia also is responsible for the Cpu design, directly or indirectly. I don’t know how much they care about being as backwards compatible with the cpu instructions as possible though. Probsbly if Nintendo has anything to say about it, they can be 99.999% compatible, with only some timing issues, which may or may not affect games.
So what is the conclusions? Of course this is speculation, and users have to test games, it will take years to know the full extent, but I think we will see near 100% compatibility for games that don’t need hardware accessories that are not compatible. If we exclude shovelware (low effort crap that somehow got into the eshop) maybe a couple to a handful of games will have big enough issues that they can’t be played. Maybe more games will have minor graphics issues, or things that look fine, but just slightly different to switch1
No, green text is used to strawman the comment you are replying to
Or tell a story about what sopposedlh happened to you
Rarely used to quote someone
Elefant, spaceships, tacos
I’m not sure, but I think it is a chariot
In deep rock galactic survival, the color of the number is different for percentage and percentage points
I’ve ordered a peperoni pizza in several countries in Europe and I’ve never herd this.
Würst is the German word for sausage, and while I can easily imagine Germans saying peperoni-würst, I can’t imagine this being common outside of Germany.
Pepperoni is an Italian style sausage, where the word and branding was made by Italian immigrants in the US.
If you want to order a peperoni pizza in Europe, you might need to know what they call them there, even if they are excellent in speaking English.
In Italy you would order a salame pizza. In eastern Europe, without speaking the local language, I’ve had to order a sausage pizza, and in any country more influenced by American culture, peperoni pizza is what you order. I haven’t ordered pizza in Germany, but I will probsbly do that now the next time.
Okay so how do I get balls and breast, you had me at aren’t necessary
I’ve been married for years now, have multiple kids, my wife still makes fun of the fact that when she moved in with me, I had a pack of sausages, and a 6 pack of beer in the fridge…
My issue with buying food, is that when I go to the store my ADHD kicks me in the face, and I don’t know what I need. I’d make a shopping list, but my ADHD don’t allow me to do that. I have to submit papers for the chance to get evaluated if I need adhd medication, but my ADHD stops me from doing that today, because the deadline doesn’t exist
I believe the Filipinos which have a lot of spanish grammar would substitute in English if the Spanish based grammar confused them
Ah this was me when I bought my first car… It was super cheap though. But it had just passed the EU control, so I thought it was safe to drive.
Anyway, when I was driving my niece, and her friend, the fucking break disk rusted lose! I drove them fucking carefully to the train, and carefully drove home.
I called my nieces father and confessed, and I asked him how to replace the breaks. He had never done it before, but he’s the kind of guy who reads something once and he remembers it. Anyway I drove to a shop and bought new break disks and pads, and some tools, and drove fucking carefully home.
It took me 3 days to change the breaks, mainly because of the rust, I got a neighbor to help push the break piston back in, as the tool I bought was to weak. To top it of, I have either fibriomyalgia or rheumatism, and my fingers hurt for weeks after, even though it was the middle of the summer.
The back breaks needs to be changed now. But I can’t do it in the winter, I can’t change the breaks in the back when it’s below zero outside. Wife just wants to buy a new (used) car, but our budget, due to needing a 6, 7 or 8 seater, would give us the same age, same length driven car. And we need to cars…
I guess my question should have been, what is an operating system?
Use fedora KDE then, they are working on making it the same status as fedora workstation.
You will not lose out on anything by using the KDE iso. Well except gnome and gnome related packages, of which you can install any one of if you want them later
What is an os?
I like the word unhoused, it implies they should just be housed if they are homeless. Everyone should be housed, even if they don’t own a home
That’s why they are held in higer regard
Yes we are the poor. If you need a job to survive you are the working class. The middle class is a concept to avoid people eating the rich. This also counts if your salary is a million, if you need to continue to work to make your life work, you are the working class.
I know I won’t change your mind by disagreeing with you regarding the nazi salute. But I want to say that I am very grossed out by all the apologists defending him, even just a little bit.
Just remember the quote, for evil men to succeed, good men just have to do nothing