It must feel amazing having someone draw something on your back.
It must feel amazing having someone draw something on your back.
Numpy can use BLAS packages that are partly written in Fortran
Nope. Almost every day I learn something new.
Why are you so sure that people said it as a joke at first?
LLMs are getting better at math btw.
There are also techniques considered to have the LLM call functions like a calculator to address arithmetic.
One pound sterling (the full name of £) was once worth one pound of sterling silver.
I think they are just baking a cake. Delicious moist cake.
Source: It was revealed to me in a dream.
Das ganze hat wirklich mir jeglichen Spaß an Sport genommen. Erst viel später habe ich Gewichtheben für mich entdeckt.
Da kann ich mir soviel Zeit lassen wie ich will zwischen Sätzen und mein eigenes Tempo wählen. Ich muss nicht schnell sein und habe keine Angst durch Unfähigkeit andere zu benachteiligen wie im Teamsport.
Ich glaube wirklich dass es für jeden einen passenden Sport gibt. Es ist nur für manche eine riesige Qual herauszufinden welche. “Probier einfach welche aus” hört sich toll an, aber bracht auch extreme geistige und teilweise körperliche Ausdauer.
In meiner Schule gingen diese Tabellen bis zur 6. Also auf dem paper stand das man mindestens so und so viele Liegestütze braucht um durchzufallen.
Geiles Gefühl wenn man gesagt bekommt, dass man zu schlecht sei um ne 6 zu bekommen.
Auch waren die Tabellen extrem anders zwischen Mädchen und Jungs. Nicht ein bisschen sondern extrem. Das hat man auch im Notenspiegel gesehen. Oft was bei den Jungs nicht mal für eine 5 gereicht hat war eine 3 oder gar 2 für Mädchen.
Weißt du wie Entnazifizierung damals funktioniert hatte?
It was the app most like reddit if fun (rif). I liked it. To me it was the most intuitive layout.
Hasn’t development slowed to a crawl?
I am using eternity to post this btw. Was using liftoff before until it broke and will continue with eternity.
Did Lemmy’s front fall off?
In assessing risk assume everyone is a bumbling idiot. For we all have moments of great stupidity.
There is definitely a risk in changing it. Many automation systems that assume there is a master branch needed to be changed. Something that’s trivial yes but changing a perfectly running system is always a potential risk.
Also stuff like tutorials and documentation become outdated.
Why are Americans so riled up about this?
Do you guys not realize that this reaction is literally one of the reasons they do this? To be a distraction and to show their base that they made the bad people™ cry about it.
That’s a common misconception. You can measure a lot of ambient noise and extract entropy. Like time between inputs or how long it took an HDD to seek.
Most modern PC CPUs even have dedicated hardware for generating random numbers from electrical ambient noise. I don’t trust them however.
Das könnte so 1:1 in einem Horror Spiel vorkommen
That is a reason why most farmers like to purchase seeds every season anyways. It’s way more predictable and you may want to change the strain depending on many variables.
Farming, especially commodity crops like wheat, is an extremely risky business. Taking out some risk is often worth it.
Modern farming is way more complicated and scientific than most people realize. The portrayal of farmers as bumbling idiots in popular media is not helping.
Racism, hell of a drug it turns out.