How could we forget? We’re all here to please you because you ditched Reddit. Congrats on that by the way, see ya around! 👋
How could we forget? We’re all here to please you because you ditched Reddit. Congrats on that by the way, see ya around! 👋
I’d also argue that by removing it (especially at this time) you’re in fact doing the opposite—you’re now inciting racism because the racists will call it a win and take it as a sign that they’ve “won” or it’s acceptable now.
Intuit can get fucked. I remember one time at work (tech firm) they linked to some podcast featuring Intuit and I about threw up.
Fucking scum
You burn it, you buy it!
Oh good! I’ll be your first customer!
Love it
What do you expect? You want us to congratulate you for only sometimes not murdering animals? Good job! 👏
Why would someone being an asshole to you prevent you from eating animals? That doesn’t make sense.
And being nice about doesn’t help either; maybe I wouldn’t be such a prick if people would stop with the bullshit excuses. I don’t really give a fuck about strangers’ feelings but I do care about the animals they’re murdering so maybe they’re the ones that should take a look at their own actions.
optimisation is back on the menu boys
Now let’s fix GitHub’s glitchy-ass JavaScript on pull requests!
I’m a white guy that’s essentially fluent in Spanish and live where a lot of people speak Spanish. Not once in 10 years have I heard someone talking shit and trust that I’d be an easy target.
I really hate when people get shitty because they don’t understand what others in the vicinity are saying. People should get a life.
Yikes that’s filthy
Funny because I almost used “murderer” but knew every animal abuser would set down their burger for 20 seconds to go “well actually murder is only when you kill people…” but yeah, it’s totally okay for you to use that language. 😒
Low effort energy
I just don’t get it. If you actually don’t need to consume animals to survive then why do it at all? People expect us to be nice to them about it??
The vegan in this meme is a fucking clown. 🤡
“I’m vegan but I’m a hypocrite and don’t actually care if others constantly kill and consume animals for no reason. People might treat me poorly if I stand up for other species, and who cares if they die anyway?”
Looking forward to all the rare conditions everyone will suddenly have in response to my comment.
Oh definitely but since I am far too lazy to look it up in the moment I’d rather err on the conservative side.
I disagree, they will always be cringe. Oh and I’m not a boomer by the way.
But then we can’t lock them up by the thousands in warehouses and/or put them in tiny cages!! What fun is it if we can’t first torture the poor dears?
What in the boomers is going on here? Are we Facebook now?
It wasn’t significant enough for photos and I hadn’t seen your message until after I’d consumed it.