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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Training wheels are useful tool for beginner cyclists, but not useful for advanced cyclists. Likewise, quantum ogres are a useful tool for beginner DMs, but not for seasoned DMs.

    I hard disagree. Quantum baddies are useful no matter how seasoned a DM you are.

    Quantum enemies are a technique you can use to help preserve the prep work you do as DM, and doubling the prep you do isn’t a mark of experience. Use it when appropriate, and avoid using when the story says you must.

  • I know this has been pointed out, but…

    He has no experiance in ever fighting anyone or anything

    Nooooope! He can fight. You’re an adventurer. Maybe you come from humble roots, but you are now a roaming mercenary who fights for money (and maybe a few other things). Make sure you can work with the rest of the party. Make sure you bring value to the group both in and out of a fight.

    As for the character concept…

    in a world with bards, there had to be critics too, right? So this character had a weekly column in some newsletters published from town to town (is that a thing?) and developed a reputation for being a snob. He barely ever hands out a score higher than 6 out of 10.

    His only real talent seems to be intuitive analysis and articulate critique - skills that have helped him at what he does…

    College of Eloquence Bard. Just don’t play him elequent. Instead, use his great powers for “evil” (not literal evil). To tear down the art of others and crush the confidence of his enemies into dust.

    When Giants attack, he makes them feel small.

    When Gods rage, he gives a solid, “meh…6/10. I’ve seen better.”

    When Barbarians rampage, he makes them cry

    “It stinks!”

  • Privilege.

    Not them tho, you. Your privilege is why you can’t understand it.

    Are you determined to not have allies of any kind?

    I get that your state is fucked, but as a resident of one of the other 49 states, my options to help are limited as long as we lack one of the the chambers of Congress since the gop is literally the problem here.

    We could try actually following thru with campaign promises and helping them, but for some reason we dont.

    That would be because we don’t have control of the House. It’s difficult to get work done when the side in control of the button that stops everything from working sits on the fucking button while shrieking racist epitaphs at the top of their lungs.

  • The DNC is fucked and run by idiots, no argument. But voting as though you’re NOT running a FPtP election when you are actually running a FPtP election is so stupid there are no words in the English language profane enough to describe it.

    The system works one way. You play the game, or you get played by the game. Voting third party for president or Senate is not how the game is played, like it or not.

    You want change? Vote in your local elections. That’s where change starts. Do it enough, and get enough other people to do the same, and THEN you can change things up-ticket.

    Play the game. Don’t get played. Don’t waste your vote. The other option these days is literally a fascist.