The Supreme Court confirmed government censorship happened but didn’t say it was unconstitutional. Now it seems the shoe is on the other foot, either because Trump wants it or Mark Zuckerberg wants to suck up to him.
The Supreme Court confirmed government censorship happened but didn’t say it was unconstitutional. Now it seems the shoe is on the other foot, either because Trump wants it or Mark Zuckerberg wants to suck up to him.
I don’t understand why anyone is taking this “declaration” seriously. The deadline to ratify it was decades ago.
There’s a YouTuber called The Rules Lawyer, and I thought at first this post was about him. It sounds like something he would do: “Every +1 Matters!”
If an OSS project wants to thrive, it would behoove them to implement things that people want. I don’t think there’s a one-size-fits-all solution there, but they shouldn’t be surprised if nobody wants to use their software because it doesn’t do what they want.
>make unpopular posts
>ban people for disagreeing with them
>people downvote your posts
>get mad
Get used to it, bub.
INFO: What is the case at hand?
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Have a good weekend, friend.
Have you heard literally any WWII ally propaganda?
I’ve heard plenty. It talks about defeating the Nazis, but it isn’t as genocidal as Hamas’s. If you can point to anyone’s declaration of war stating “God wants us to kill every single German,” I’d like to see it.
Have you literally not looked at any Azov propaganda?
Azov representing the entirety of Ukraine is disinformation used by the Russian government to justify invading a non-aggressive sovereign nation. Also, I doubt they want to kill all Russian civilians.
I don’t have the right to tell victims of genocide how to stop getting genocide
But you have the right to encourage the kidnapping, rape, and murder of civilians?
It was earned. Thoroughly earned.
Who thought it was their divine mission to exterminate the Nazis and Germans? Do Ukrainians think obliterating the Russian people is their God-given task on earth? And in those cases, does that justify setting out to annihilate an entire demographic?
Do you believe October 7th was justified?
For you Americans who skip straight to the comments, this is in Germany.
Article 7 of their 1988 charter cites a verse demanding a holy war to exterminate the Jews, one so fierce that the very stones and trees call out to announce their hiding spots. Article 8 of the same charter states “Jihad is [Hamas’s] path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes.” It doesn’t get much clearer than that.
Now that you mention it, I wouldn’t be surprised if Japanese companies manufacture more cars in the US than US-based companies.
Hard agree, as an American. Honda and Toyota destroy our local companies in pretty much every regard other than maybe regulation dodging.
That’s an insane thing to say about a group founded specifically to kill Jews and has been doing so ever since. Also, having a “mandate from the people” doesn’t stop an organization from being terrorists.
And they wonder why trust in the media is close to an all-time low! At this point, all one can do is laugh.
It’s insulting how so many outlets regurgitated the party line up until the 2024 debate, then acted shocked over something that was obvious for years.
Hamas and ISIS are both Islamist terrorist organizations.
The costs of this fine will obviously be passed on to be consumer. It’ll accomplish nothing but funneling everyday people’s money into the government by proxy.
The dispute was primarily over standing.
Amy Coney Barrett claims the censorship happened before any communication with the White House or the CDC…
But as Samuel Alito notes…
While standing was denied, and the censorship may have happened before the White House requested it, it’s clear the admin wanted this to happen. Otherwise the communications over this stuff wouldn’t have taken place.