If it’s just xml parsing and you are willing to rewrite in typescript I recommend writing as a static web app served through GitHub pages. Free hosting :D
If it’s just xml parsing and you are willing to rewrite in typescript I recommend writing as a static web app served through GitHub pages. Free hosting :D
Is it because it reduces dysphoria/improves mental health? I am not trying to be rude, I just want to understand.
My main project is in a private repo with me as the sole dev but I swear there is some dumbass pushing shitty code.
Very cool! Thanks for this
I have been trying to be more functional but I still use classes for things like loading/modeling configs. What are some common situations where using an object is a good solution?
I use python if that helps at all.
I avoid apt because it does silly stuff. Always use apt-get. I suppose having to know that quirk is a con of the distro.
I just don’t use snaps and it works great for me. For docker I add their apt repository and install it like that.
What is so bad about Ubuntu server?
With python you can use the := to assign and return new value.
My one 3 is terrible. Keys dying after 2 or 3 years.
I use poetry and it works really well. I would consider it solved but that doesn’t mean there isn’t the possibility of a better solution.
What is the principle for manual cars?
Growing up in the US public school system really painted communism in the worst light. They really only focused on those two dudes and never talked about any successful implementations of communism. I always felt like they weren’t fairly representing communism in my schools. I feel like it could work but haven’t found any successful examples. Could you provide a few communism successes?
Probably “Passion of the Christ”. It was really hard to watch, didn’t make it to the end.
Fuck you cunt
I see but I do wonder if docker has so many more cves partly because it has way more users.
Why is docker bad now and what makes pdoman better?
Hey you dropped this.
But what about video games :(
I wrote a program to make a web server with routes and their content sourced from a text file in golang. I have wanted to learn go for a while so this was a good first step!