Aaaaaaaaand you didn’t just take the option to sabotage them from the inside?
There’s plenty of options for that, you know.
Aaaaaaaaand you didn’t just take the option to sabotage them from the inside?
There’s plenty of options for that, you know.
Politics have become a team sport. All discourse has become a team sport. It’s binary.
I’ve started to notice that this particular brain rot is becoming more and more common among Democrats as well. To a distressing number of people I’ve encountered on the Internet, be it here, Reddit, or elsewhere, Democrats ran a perfect political campaign and their candidates and policy were flawless and above question, so it’s entirely the fault of the voters that we got Trump again. Never mind that Democrats actively facilitated a genocide and largely ignored their base in favor of appealing to moderate Republicans who were never going to vote for them anyway.
The number of people in this country who are just incapable of seeing (much less understanding) any kind of nuance is dropping rapidly, even among demographics who should be aware of this trend.
It’s definitely nostalgic for me, since one set of grandparents smoked when I was a kid. It never really bothered me…unless I was driving in their car, where it would give me motion sickness. I was never prone to it otherwise; only when driving on mountain roads in a car that reeked of cigarettes.
To their credit, they quit smoking when my older sister had her first kid, but the smell of cigarettes just throws me back to the summers spent helping Grandpa with whatever home improvement project he was working on.
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Same energy as this Key and Peele bit.
These people had no problem actively facilitating a genoside; what’s a little fascism on top of that?
Even now, just listening to Merrill’s accent makes me melt. She was the best part of DA2.
Hammy usually just means over-acting. Sometimes, going all out, chewing the scenery, and reeeeealy leaning in to your character is inappropriate. But sometimes, when the moment is right…magic happens.
Maybe it’s horny, but this picture of Malenia, Goddess of Rot is now my phone background.
Instead of buying a TV, look for a digital signage display. It’s a TV, but with none of the “smart” crap on it.
Alternatively, just don’t hook your device up to the internet.
It’s kinda eerie how similar the reaction was between Thompson’s killing and Shinzo Abe’s. When it came out that Abe’s assassin was motivated by Abe’s ties to the Unification Church, there were a lot of people on Reddit who were like, “Oh, that makes sense. Perfectly understandable.”
What’s more, the LDP immediately cut ties with UC and threatened to expel any members who wouldn’t follow suit. And if that wasn’t enough, the Diet even passed a pair of bills meant to restrict the activities of religious organizations like the UC and provide relief to their victims.
Anybody who says that violence isn’t the answer should ask Tetsuya Yamagami about how effective it can be when the rest of your alternatives are exhausted.
Money talks, but wealth whispers.
Really, the thing that makes this game is the sound design. While the strategy gameplay is compelling, the harsh bark of the shotgun when it goes off, how the music intensifies for a moment after you get jolted back to life, and the tension and/or relief you feel when you hear the click of the hammer falling on a blank round. The sound is what sells the spooky atmosphere more than anything else.
The gameplay itself is fun, too; best way I can describe it is a memory/strategy game revolving around counting shells in a shotgun, trying to deplete the Dealer’s life while preserving your own, and using a series of items to influence the game.
It’s cheap, spooky, and compelling. I strongly recommend giving it a shot.
Graffiti is a spectrum: on one hand, you get beautiful murals that add something to the structure, making it more than what it was.
On the other hand, you get dicks and swastikas.
Tattoos are the same way. There’s a difference between someone having a beautiful sleeve done and someone who has TRUMP tattooed on their forehead.
Too late. Their parents got to them first.
Musk bought it because he’s a dumbass.
Because he thinks he’s clever and wants everybody to think he’s clever (also because he was mad that Twitter kept banning his buddies for being fascists), he hatched a plan to send Twitter a formal offer to buy it for way more than it was worth. Musk thought that Twitter was owned by a bunch of left-wing ideologues and were using the site as their own personal microphone (sound familiar?), so when they inevitably turn down his offer, he could go “Aha! Gotcha, you fuckin’ Marxists!” and everyone would clap and call him smart.
But Twitter was not owned by a bunch of left-wingers. It was owned by businessmen. Musk’s buddies were getting banned because it’s not good business to have an advert for Disneyland next to a racist/anti-Semetic tweet, not because of ideology. And when those businessmen saw that Musk was offering to buy Twitter for several times what it was worth, they jumped on the offer, then sued Musk when he tried to back out.
Hilariously, Musk agreed to buy Twitter as soon as the discovery process started. I’d bet money that his phone was a black hole of cringe/illegal activity and he wanted to keep it from going public.
Musk didn’t want to buy Twitter, and he doesn’t want to destroy Twitter; it’s just a side effect of using it to stroke his ego.
I’m pretty sure it was none other than fuckin’ Newt Gingrich who coined the term.
I mean, the likes of Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos could end world hunger with a snap of their bony fingers, and they’re not doing it, despite the fact that they would still be wealthy beyond comprehension if they did.
We’re asking them to do the bare minimum and utilize their wealth in a responsible manner, and they’re not even doing that much.
Case in point: this was briefly on the latest r/place before it was removed.
Man, Smedley Butler underwent a hell of an arc. From being a proud soldier of American imperialism, to becoming the father of modern police forces, to foiling a fascist plot to overthrow the country and becoming an outspoken anti-war advocate. He went from one end of the political spectrum to the other.