Are we taking bets on how many scaramuccis he’s got left?
Are we taking bets on how many scaramuccis he’s got left?
I’m imagining an LA noir style section involving the lasso of truth (?). And i haven’t seen the movies, but watched reviews, and there seems there might need enough upgrade paths to ramp up the combat elements. Maybe she gets with Batman to upgrade her suit?
Hell, even a tomb raider style origin story might work, if they don’t skimp on the writing team.
Results of the rights constant attack on education.
Knowledge is power, and that scares the crap out of Republicans…
Yup, found on my phone yesterday.
It also claimed that i was part of the beta program, which is probably how they back-doored it in, so make sure you leave the beta program to keep it from coming back.
I’m fine in small doses…
I’ve used “spicy brained” and people seem to get it.
DNA digital data storage
Using dna to encode digital data has been shown to be stable, reliable and easily reproducible. And according to Wikipedia, there’s a technique that can encode data at 1Mbps. Not lightning fast by any stretch, but it works!
How the hell is this news?
Ah, yeah I’ve never been “in demand”, unless you count the straight girls that needed the “gay best friend”.
He’s basically got “young and hot” syndrome. Middle age is going to be a bitch…
Gay guy checking in…
Holy forking shirtballs, who hurt him!?
Nope, reduced by 10%, leaving you with 90% of the original quantity.
“Could of…”
It’s “could have”!
Edit: I’m referring to text based things, like text and email. I can pretty much ignore the mispronouncing.
Warning: Product manufactured at a facility that also uses AI.
Thanks, i just had it stuffed!
When i add a Bluetooth device to my phone, i use an emoji to show what type of device it is. 🖥️📱🎮🎧
I use the hearing aid emoji for earbuds: 🦻
When i had home assistant working, i used emojis to name all my devices, then when you sort by name, it groups the emojis together.
To answer the post title and ignoring the wall of text:
Long vacations in other countries. You’re not ready to be away from “everything” for that long, and culture shock is a thing, even for us woke lefties…
Yup. I can sit next to a fellow programmer for hours in a pit, but you put me next to some Account Service jackass who’s on the phone all day and I’ll snap!
Bought a Blu-ray burner and “archive grade” disks for third location backups.
I made a list of files that is just a text document (3MB!) that sits on the root of the Blu-ray. There’s probably a better way of doing that, but it works for me.