I don’t know how popular it was since none of my friends remember it but I loved Phantasmagoria. Its a point and click horror mystery game with video captured graphics.
I don’t know how popular it was since none of my friends remember it but I loved Phantasmagoria. Its a point and click horror mystery game with video captured graphics.
I picked up Balders Gate 3 on a recent sale to see what all the hubbub was about. I nearly gave up on it after about the first 10 hours but soon after that it finally clicked for me and I’ve been having a blast. I think I’m only about 30 hours in right now and I hear it’s easily 100+ hours so hopefully the ride remains this fun for the duration.
Playing the main character as a high elf bard. Definitely the weakest in the group at combat but it’s nice passing every persuasion check.
I picked up Balders Gate 3 on a recent sale to see what all the hubbub was about. I nearly gave up on it after about the first 10 hours but soon after that it finally clicked for me and I’ve been having a blast. I think I’m only about 30 hours in right now and I hear it’s easily 100+ hours so hopefully the ride remains this fun for the duration.
It’s Batman Forever for me. It was my favorite of the Batman films until dark knight came out but everyone else I know hates it. I think maybe I’m just a big Jim Carrey fan and he elevated the movie for me.
And tears
Bloodborne OST is the first that comes to mind for me.
My kids are 5 and 7. The 7 year old is able to do most of the game on her own but there are definitely frustrating sections for her. My 5 year old isn’t shy about handing the controller to me when he needs help. I think 7 is a perfect age for getting into the game mechanics but the subject matter may raise awkward questions.
I’ve completed this game twice with my kids. By far the most requested game they want to play because of the coop. The subject matter might be a little deep for their age but the gameplay is stellar.
I just picked up Hogwarts Legacy on the recent PlayStation sale. Haven’t made it too far in yet but I can tell this game will eat up some hours.
Elden Ring to get a new character ready for the DLC. Picked up Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga on a recent sale. Still only a few hours in so just now getting into some of the more complex squad builds. Seems like there will be tons of ways to customize the squads, I anticipate many more hours spent.
Been on a KeeperRL kick for a couple weeks but after this last loss I think I’m done with it for a while. Balatro has also been keeping me occupied. I just started a strength build in elden ring a couple days ago to get ready for the dlc. I made a mistake by starting NG+ on my first character and I don’t want to try the DLC on even harder mode.
And when I say stupid I mean stupid fresh
I picked up Dredge on sale a few weeks ago and got the platinum trophy recently. It’s my first platinum trophy to ever get. The game was well worth the price even if I hadn’t gotten it on sale.
Well maybe my school was the outlier that didn’t have active shooter drills but that makes it even worse that it’s been 30+ years and nothing has changed. It should NOT be normal to have to prepare elementary kids to hide from an active shooter in their school.
My kids’ school recently had an active shooter drill like we used to do fire drills when I was a kid. They said they all had hiding spots to go to and they thought it was pretty scary. They’re in elementary school. It’s definitely not normal that instead of doing something about the guns we have to teach kids to hide from gunmen because that’s just a legit possibility now.
What makes drag queens scum bags?
The music shop at the mall near me had those headphones but only like 10 albums that were able to demo. And I’m pretty sure the demo was just bits of the songs. I definitely bought plenty of CDs having heard only one track or fewer.
Both of these games are so unique in their style and I love both of them. Great recommendations.
I remember seeing kids in the middle school bathroom choking each other and I thought it looked really dumb. Luckily all my friends agreed it was a dumb game. In highschool we did the dead leg game and also a “zop” game where you hit the kid’s forearm in the right spot to make a big bump form. I was never good at that game but I could give good dead legs. One time me and a buddy did a double dead leg to our other friend right before football practice. It was quite funny watching him try and run out to practice with both legs in pain. As I type it out I realize how mean it really was but at the time we all did it to each other so it was just normal.