Much appreciated! I’ll give it a read.
Much appreciated! I’ll give it a read.
When those memories come up, choose a different response. Laugh at yourself. Forgive yourself. Love yourself.
Any recommended reading on this topic? Choosing a different response when these memories come up is really difficult for me, personally. Even when I acknowledge that I’ve grown as a person since then, the memories themselves still just feel jarringly awful.
The “small issue” you described is a logistical one that remains unsolved by bureaucrats, lawmakers, judges, or anyone else. “Bad actors ruin it for those who really need it” is the same “small issue” people use to argue against many services people genuinely need in order to survive.
“Deport them all and let God sort 'em out” is the course America has chosen, and it is the immoral course, as far as I am concerned.
we need more people processing immigration paperwork
Agreed, but it won’t happen, especially under this administration. They don’t want more immigrants, even “legal” ones. They say they are only against “illegal” immigrants, but let’s be real here. Lemme know when they sign into law some additional funding for hiring more bureaucrats to parse immigration paperwork. I won’t hold my breath.
When immigrants know the legal pathway is unreasonably slow and will not be improved in any way, there’s no incentive to do it the “legal” way.
I cannot, in good conscience, begrudge any family who illegally enters a country when they are fleeing violence or poverty in their own country (e.g.: they are from a country that is effectively run by drug cartels, or is in the midst of civil war).
“You need to fill out the appropriate paperwork before your family can be safe” is not an argument that will ever sway me. The bureaucracy takes too long in the vast majority of cases. People are scared and want a better life.
Some people illegally immigrate for less serious reasons, in which case sure, get 'em to fill out the proper forms. But I cannot support deporting people whose entire reason to illegally immigrate was for their safety and/or livelihood.
And please note that this position is wholly a moral one, not a legal one. I am a person with a moral compass, not a lawyer.
Adding on to this, I’ll say the term is likely used less now because, for the reasons you mentioned, the common person actually aspires to get famous for the specific purpose of selling out and making a big payday to escape the hellscape of everyday wage-slavery.
But then there are also “sell outs” that are totally situational. For example, a content creator (who I won’t name because that’s not the point) who’s an OG that’s been around for over 20 years now, constantly putting out content, never had sponsors until a few years ago. Initially I was annoyed at suddenly seeing “Sponsored by NordVPN!” and “Sponsored by RAID Shadow Legends!” in every video, but then I learned he’d had a child with his wife. And his child had a bad birth defect that required a lot of expensive surgeries.
After that, I was like, “Get that paycheck, my guy.” It’s hard out there.
I read the post title and immediately thought it might be a Technology Connections video. Great channel
Look no further: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-f3sNylbUI
I follow Blender on Mastodon and, about a month ago, they started this campaign to see if they could double the amount of donations (from approximately 1% of users to 2% of users), and it’s been decently successful so far just by putting “Can you donate?” banners in more places (and posting memes about donating on their social media).
Here’s a short video they put out about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v7Uhoot4Qg
I think the funding campaign only lasts a month, so it’s probably about over (though donations are always accepted, this is just a brief social media campaign to increase development funds for FY2025).
Looks delicious. Horseradish is a bit strong for me, but I could see it going nicely with this dish.
What kind of cheese does it use?
I resolved to get back in shape last year after sitting on my ass for a good long while. Happy to say I’ve stuck to it and am in the best shape of my life at the moment (at least strength-wise; my cardio is still trash lol).
For anyone else looking to hit the weights, I started with a simple 5x5 workout. I didn’t bother downloading any apps or anything; I just keep a simple .txt file on my PC tracking my progress. Personally I’m not a fan of how hard the Stronglifts website tries to sell users an app and spreadsheets and such, but their guides are useful.
And I love Dr. Mike’s channel. He’s been consistently helpful ever since I started hitting the weights again. Gives great advice in my experience; super knowledgeable guy.
My favorite is intentionally misunderstanding questions and giving literally correct answers.
An old favorite of mine:
“Do you know what time it is?”
I don’t wanna be a buzzkill, but if you’ve only been practicing for a month so far, I’m not sure there’s gonna be any particular resource that’s going to make you improve faster, short of taking formal lessons. It sounds like you’re already making good progress, so just keep doing what you’re doing! Read that book you downloaded, add new finger exercises to your daily routine, and drill the chords and scales and such into your muscle memory so you can do them in your sleep. But this all takes time.
The biggest factor, at least for me, was consistently practicing for years. I’ve been playing for about 17 years now and, by the end of the first year, I had spent hundreds of hours with the guitar in my hand (it was my primary hobby). I’m no rock star, but I got pretty decent by just practicing the stuff I wanted to play and learning the basic fundamental concepts like scales, arpeggios, chord structure, etc.
One good piece of advice my old man gave me: even when you’re not actively practicing, just having the guitar in your lap when you’re working on other stuff winds up making it extremely comfortable to handle. I’d sit with the guitar in my lap while doing homework, or using the computer, and would end up fiddling with it here and there, gradually getting better at navigating the neck, getting more familiar with the distances between the strings, etc.
And use. the. pinky. A lot of guitarists shy away from fretting with the pinky finger if they can avoid it, but they’re doing themselves a disservice. Put in the effort to train your pinky to fret and it will pay dividends when you start tackling more advanced stuff. Even if you can easily hit a note with your ring finger, hit it with the pinky to give the pinky more practice so it becomes second nature.
Find some finger exercises that help teach finger independence. I learned a great one from a Chet Atkins VHS tape back in the day, but I can’t find it anywhere online at the moment; I’m sure there’s a million similar exercises on YouTube though.
If you’re learning a song through a video on YouTube and it doesn’t tell you the strumming pattern or the tuning or whatever, you can probably find that info on Ultimate Guitar. I’m not affiliated with them, just been using their site for basically the entire time I’ve been playing. Has an absolute mountain of chord charts, tabs, yada yada. Very useful.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. 🎸
You might enjoy this read: https://destevez.net/2021/09/decoding-voyager-1/
It talks about decoding the signals sent back by Voyager 1
Old school cheat codes like this were so fun. If it weren’t such a licensing nightmare, it’d be fun if newer games had more easter eggs like this.
Does the device show up if you open Gparted? Maybe it needs to be formatted. Though I guess it’d still show up with ‘lsusb’ even if it needed formatting.
I wanna say fwupd/lvfs manages firmware updates on Arch (and lots of other distros) these days.
You may be able to roll back the latest firmware update with fwupdmgr. What’s the output of fwupdmgr get-devices
in your terminal? Also, what is the make/model of the ethernet port that is now on the fritz? You can search for it on the website here: https://fwupd.org/ in the “search for firmware” bar at the top, then you may be able to install the old version with fwupdmgr.
I’m not familiar with EndeavourOS, but I’ll ask a few questions to get the troubleshooting process started:
With the ethernet cable plugged in, can you access your local router config page (if you have one)? e.g.: If not, what happens when you ping the router’s address in the terminal?
If you’re able to successfully ping/access your router, can you ping a well-known IP address such as (google DNS) or (cloudflare DNS)?
I assume you mean “analogy” instead of “apology”.
The “THE_PACK” community is a parody of US biker (motorcycle) culture, where many men refer to their motorcycle as their “hog”.
“Hog” is also a slang term for a man’s penis.
“Cranking my hog” is slang for male masturbation. I think it’s also used to refer to revving up one’s motorcycle in the biker community, but I’m not 100% sure of that (my old man was a biker so I am loosely familiar with some of their slang).
They intentionally misspell “hog” as “hawg” for fun. So it’s just a bunch of guys standing around jokingly referencing masturbation under the guise of talking about riding their motorcycles.
As someone who’s eaten many sauces and spice blends that incorporate Carolina reaper peppers, spiciness isn’t the same as temperature with regard to heat. Lava’s heat is physically destructive and one’s tongue would likely be immediately burned beyond recognition. One wouldn’t have time to assess the “taste” or texture at all before writhing in agony from severe burns.
In contrast, I can eat a hot sauce made from super hot peppers and, while I’m in agony from the extremely potent capsaicin in the peppers, I haven’t damaged my tongue in the process so I can actually taste the flavor and detect the texture of the food.
Based on your description, “pan” seems appropriate. I don’t think ratios really matter when it comes to this kind of terminology. You appear to be, to varying degrees, attracted to people regardless of their sex or gender.
That said, I’m not sure what the distinction is between “pan” and “omni”.