Trophy Cat
Trophy Cat
It’s a replacement book. It’s sort of Pathfinder 2.5 or maybe 2.1. The books with “core” in the name are the core books of the remastered PF2E rules. That’s Player Core, GM Core, Monster Core, and Player Core 2.
I don’t care at all what happens on reddit. Why do so many people think “lemmy” is Latin for “place to bitch and whine about reddit?”
And defended by his Brothers In Arms
I think each team should have a 12th player off the field… a sniper. The sniper gets 1 bullet per half and the rule is they can only shoot the football. If they hit a fan, player, or the ref it’s a 15 yard penalty.
Who’s with me?
Not that I’ve been able to find. I rarely notice but when I do it’s quite frustrating.
I’m using a Shield TV Pro with the default launcher disabled, replaced with FLauncher, and the netflix and voice search buttons disabled via button mapper.
I’m 1000% happy with it and absolutely would not go back to an actual HTPC.
Oh, I also uninstalled youtube and replaced it with SmartTube Beta
Thank you! I’ll give that a go!
My firewall is closed, nothing is forwarded. This is all on my LAN only. I just don’t want the non-https ports available at all, even on the LAN.
Nothing is accessible outside my network. The proxy is local only.
You have a slightly confusing typo in the title. I initially read it as “uninstalled” because you have “unstalled” in the title.
Republicans have long hated the idea of a department of education. When the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare was split up during the Carter administration they tried to name then new DOE to the Department of Public Education (DOPE) just out of spite.
OSB won’t hold screws as well and any elements intended to be load-bearing will flex more than plywood. It’s just not really well-suited for cabinetry or casework. It’s mainly intended for sheathing or acting as a subsurface under flooring or roofing material.
Why does your car have ESP? Sounds like a privacy nightmare!
Also, why is the a button for electro-convulsive therapy (aka shock treatment)?
Are you driving some kind of bizarre mind control car?
I think every language probably sounds silly if transliterated into another language
I just had this happen, sort of, in a completely unplanned way. The party had already met but in the course of events they asked a caravan master to recommend a tavern or inn. He thought for awhile, looked them all up and down, then said “I reckon folks like you would hang out a <insert inn name>.”
The party’s face asked what he meant by “folks like you” and he basically said adventurous and prosperous folks.
They went to the inn and the staff and clientele (randomly generated by were all female, which made them think something was up. The definitely-not-a-face orc ranger tried to befriend the innkeeper and ended up accidentally scaring the crap out of her. I decided it wasn’t that he was personally frightening but that she had mistaken the party for a different, much more nefarious, band.
Based on her bowing and fawning over the party, the other folks in the inn began to stare. At that point, Mr Face decided he needed to talk to every woman in the room.
Ultimately, based on a weird sequence of crit fails and successes, they ended up with a side quest to kill a demon that been terrorizing a nearby village, assisted by two fairly stupid local mercenaries.
I hadn’t planned it but they didn’t know that until I told them to give me 5 minutes to make a new encounter map!
I’m that weird guy who prefers the cooked taste of UHT pasteurized milk.