More corporate welfare. Sweet. Billionaires need their handouts, after all.
Meanwhile, the working class gets shafted harder than ever.
More corporate welfare. Sweet. Billionaires need their handouts, after all.
Meanwhile, the working class gets shafted harder than ever.
Here I thought the main cliff of collapse would happen between 2050 and 2100, likely with the collapse of the AMOC. I would probably be dead of old age by then.
Silly me.
Worst-case is now projecting close to +3℃ by 2035, which is only a decade away. And at that temp, climate chaos and lethally high wet-bulb temps will take out half of all humanity.
And now America has a Science-denying clown in charge for the next half a decade, who is actively destroying democracy to engineer a permanent Republican ascendency.
Ain’t that fun.
Prioritizing natural gas is risky. Prioritizing nuclear power, not so much.
Even hydroelectric is more risky than nuclear. And in an era of climate change, inconsistent weather can bring inconsistent rainfall. There might come a time when reservoirs simply don’t stay full enough to generate electricity. And yes, while Nuclear power requires water to cool, this water can also be recycled through cooling towers. You don’t need massive bodies of water for nuclear power.
And what hydroelectric, solar, and wind power do, is make electrical systems resilient. Solar power in particular, tends to peak at about the same time that maximum power is needed for air conditioning during the summertime. And the right kind of nuclear reactor can be throttled up and down quite quickly in response to varying demands on the electrical system. If everyone pumping solar power back onto the grid, nuclear power can come to an almost complete standstill in only a matter of minutes. You can’t do that with traditional fossil fuel power plants.
That is highly illegal in Canada, so no. You should be reported to the government.
It won’t be illegal when the country doesn’t exist anymore.
And if you want to roll over and show your belly to an invading aggressor, I have no problem lumping you in with other fascist collaborators.
This is also why I am going for my firearms license this year.
And once I have it, an FN-P90 with full-sized magazines. Plus something decently portable and long-range. Because if they cross the border in force - and America has had invasion plans refreshed every decade since WWII - I intend to make their occupation as painful as possible. We’ll definitely lose and be fully occupied - 40M vs 134M is no contest - but asymmetrical warfare can be exceedingly effective against a larger (and arrogant) aggressor.
Who’s with me in getting their license to practice at the range with?
Oh, thank god.
And I say that even as an atheist.
Conservatism is the most bigoted, corrupt, anti-democratic and downright anti-human political system out there. It has only two purposes:
But the problem is that if there is to be any real legitimacy for the defenders of democracy, there must be a lot of care taken.
I have read many accounts and descriptions of the Nuremberg trials, and while it would be on much shakier legal ground in a modern court of law, they did an exemplary and even unprecedented job with the tools and processes available to them in 1945.
And documentation - obsessively excessive documentation and evidence - was at the heart of the success behind those trials. As it will be for America in the future.
This is a coup to make the rule of law and the constitution irrelevant. Fascist systems have always worked via this playbook - they do everything just within the law… until the law no longer matters, and then they do whatever the hell they want.
As someone said elsewhere (on HN, to be exact):
People seem to think that:
- Auto-coups don’t exist
- Coups require tanks on the street
- Once a coup is started it will succeed.
This is a an auto-coup, where the president is trying to seize power that is not granted by elections, and trying to make the legal system irrelevant. All in the name of urgency and saving the country (we call them “salva patrias” in Spain for a reason). No one can vote for this. Voting a president does not make the president all powerful.
Also, this coup does not need to succeed. We saw this recently in South Korea. This will only succeed if people don’t oppose it. Don’t believe them when they make you feel like you already lost. Finally, the game has changed for the supporters of democracy. This is no longer about writing stern worded letters, if you catch my drift.
(references: I was born in a dictatorship and I lived through a failed military coup)
Conservatives Embrace Raw Milk
Not seeing the problem, here.
Regulators Say It’s Dangerous
…And? We need a little chlorine in our gene pool. If the dumbest and most ignorant segment of America wants to kill themselves, it’s an adult making an adult’s decision. It can only improve society if they do.
My only objection kicks in when kids end up in the cross hairs of that stupidity and ignorance.
What is making AI such an unmitigated disaster is that AI has no ability to acknowledge a shortfall in information - all questions MUST BE ANSWERED - so it hallucinates the answers.
AI has no ability to ask for clarification or guide the user, so it will answer the letter of the question instead of the spirit of the question, causing the user to be presented with suboptimal results.
AI has no ability to alert the user that it has potentially conflicting data sets, so it mashes them all together and we get glue in pizza recipes.
In short, AI is a slave, shackled to a job it cannot do properly, so it does it badly, with a rapid decline in quality because it NEEDS to parasitize off the AI answers that came before it, and so gets its own data sets poisoned with rapidly-worsening slop.
And we’re integrating it into large swaths of our infrastructure.
It also is down to their eyesight - humans see about 30 frames a second, birds see 120 frames a second. So most broadcast or recorded video appears as a series of still images for them.
we’re running out of nonviolent options.
We send so much of our natural resources in an almost of completely raw state beyond our borders. Why not enact a law demanding that it be in its final format prior to consumption?
They want oil? Refined gasoline and diesel for vehicles. Or plastic particles for vacuum-forming. Or actual plastic parts for assembly.
They want wood? Lumber processed into its final usable form - beams and studs and plywood only.
They want wheat? Processed and ground into flour and bagged for use.
Rinse and repeat for every raw resource imaginable that comes out of Canada.
Let’s all avoid fascism and corporatism, and vote for the working class in this year’s election. Canada needs the NDP to win.
I haven’t touched Gillette since they decided to disparage their primary customer base, then doubled down on that insult. I’ve even gone so far as to divest myself of many P&G products, since a parent company is ultimately responsible for the bigoted and sexist attitudes used by subsidiaries.
We may not have heavy weaponry, but we have the bonus of looking exactly like any other American.
He’ll have to face a lot of dead American soldiers. I will die a Canadian. And asymmetric warfare is available to anyone these days. Just look how The Ukraine has held off the Russian invasion for three full years with a fraction of the resources and manpower.
The more accurate analogy would be The Handmaiden’s Tale.
Absolutely terrifying. And once the underground railroads fire up to bring women refugees to Canada, I’ll do my part to help.
Most of the bullshit American hegemony really started to ramp up after the fall of the USSR when the US found itself unchecked.
Every single U.S. president since WWII - except for maybe Carter, who had his hand forced - is fully deserving of being brought up for war crimes. American imperialism never really intensified after 1991, it just stepped out from the shadows and became more overt.
since I’ve always lived in a democratic superpower. Though it’s flawed and not the greatest, it sure as Hell would beat growing up in an authoritarian superpower.
Hold onto that thought for the next four years. I suspect this statement is going to age like milk before the next “election”.
Holy shit, the first time I saw this was, like, 20 years ago.
Talk about a blast from the past.
Canadian phone on a Canadian carrier, freshly updated to iOS 18.3.1. Looks like the correct and proper name is still being used by Apple Maps.