Jellyseerr is about to add Postgres support which is sweet if you run in any kind of cluster configuration like kubernetes.
Jellyseerr is about to add Postgres support which is sweet if you run in any kind of cluster configuration like kubernetes.
OSS software gets abandoned way more often than acquired proprietary stuff.
I use Sonarr to handle naming so I’d imagine this wouldn’t play nicely with it right?
I struggled for a long time to find a way to have One Piece to show in Jellyfin with the absolute episode numbers, and even though I found a way it wasn’t worth the tradeoff for me. I now just deal with TVDB organizing (S22E37 which is actually E1122 for instance) and just be at peace with it.
Wow so if I understand right, the app now supports intro skipping and (roughly) trick play?? This is huge 😍
Ah, admittedly I don’t know much. Could another browser build on it like Chromium or Firefox?
I wish Apple would open source Safari, or at least make some “Safarium” others can build on. Would be an instant third player without all the growing pains.
The problem with the send to Kindle option is email attachment size limit. For books it’s fine but manga and comics are usually too big.
My Kindle is old enough that I was able to jailbreak it and install KOReader so I can just download from my Calibre server directly via OPDS. Otherwise if it’s too big for email you’ll have to do it over USB I think.
I’m sad the locking issue just barely missed the cut:
Glad that’s getting sorted though it’s been a huge pain point for me.
Ah sorry I misinterpreted your comment. I see it’s specifically for Silicon Macs. Mine’s Intel :( I got too excited.
Oh right on! Maybe I’ll try that then, that MBP is collecting dust so I’d love to put it to good use. Thanks for the info.
Not M1 but I tried installing Mint in my touch bar 2021 MBP and zero components worked. No track pad, no keyboard, wifi, Bluetooth etc.
Apple doesn’t provide the drivers.
Great tips. I hunted 2.5" HDDs when I was doing my build but they seem to be on their way out, being meant for laptops which are now largely just using SSDs :(
TIL! Sorry about that, I never actually tried adding ebooks to it so I had no idea
Sounds like you want Calibre + Calibre-Web! Web has a nice frontend that lets you send to Kindle, or download or just read right there. There are definitely apps that let you link to that library and read the books that way. If you have a different ebook that supports KOReader, even better. You can add your calibre Web
Someone below mentioned Audiobookshelf which is great but it for audiobooks.
I wouldn’t be surprised if there are hardcoded credentials in places and that’s enough for them to be able to say they can’t lol
Bitwarden now has their own secrets manager!
Ignore the enterpriseyness of that link. Once you log in normally just make an org and you should see the option to use secrets manager. It’s free for up to two orgs.
I’m lazy and use a Discord webhook to a special channel.
Fusion starts that way and I was thinking the same at first but it opens up after an hour or two.
I haven’t tried this, but a combo of
YTDLP subscribed to a playlist of your choice, downloading to a directory which you can mount to Jellyfin and make a library should work.
I feel like I’m taking crazy pills whenever I see people talking about running any Linux distro on a Mac. Every time I try it’s a bad time with driver support. And yes I used t2linux, most recently with Ubuntu. It came with nonfunctional sleep mode (apparently a problem since Sonoma), a very buggy Bluetooth controller and a very janky feeling cursor movement with the trackpad. Also my mic volume was super low on Zoom calls.
What am I missing?