I say two
I say two
Why are people excusing this as “mental illness”? What if he’s just an asshole Nazi, no mental illness necessary
I would deeply, deeply hope that American soldiers would never follow an order to attack Canada. For all of the Trump insanity, I still have hope that most people aren’t batshit like him.
We need George back
Also, paragraphs my dude!
This is why I hate religion. It turned this person’s brain to mush. If you are willing to believe a man walked on water why would it be hard to believe the bullshit Trump spews out?
Religion removes your critical thinking skills making you a prime target for con artists.
Wait, did he drop the tarifs?
The problem is that most “anti racism” campaigns are just low ganging “white men bad” bullshit. They don’t actually tackle the source of racism or actually do anything to help minorities, since that would cost actual money.
So they just attack white men, which alienates working class people because they are getting fucked by the system just like the rest of us schmoes.
In reality it’s another way to divide the working class against each other, because Cletus from Alabama is getting fucked just like Wayne from the Bronx, but they are both being pitted against each other by the ultra rich and mega corps.
The right latches onto the anger of Cletus and tells him it’s all Wayne’s fault the left rushes to the side of Wayne and tells him Cletus is a racist piece of shit that needs to be knocked down a peg.
Meanwhile, Chad is siphoning both their 401ks and laughing his ass off from his mansion.
How does somone so stupid put something like that into the world so confidently…
Canada is united by the Trump bullshit, now is the time to hammer our local price gaugers.
STOP!! I can only get so errect!!
Then again, what kind of piece of shit do you have to be to marry a Trump supporter, 🤔
As long as I don’t see “thanks stranger” and “happy cake day” I’m ok
The FBI is just another group of cops that are assholes. The ones that “went after Trump”, didn’t do shit for 4 years, and those that didn’t want to will be wishing they had once they cross Trump for some other bullshit and find themselves on the chopping block.
When you support corruption you’ll get fucked by a corrupt fucker sooner or later.
Hahaha you actually made me lol 😂 nice one
Omg…what an idiotic auto moderation
I’m for UBI I just have zero idea how you implement it without authoritarian rules over industry, as in deciding how much stuff is allowed to cost.
We saw with COVID, people were given a measly 1000$ and all prices skyrocketed in unison… What a coincidence…
Our industries are too corrupt, and the minute you start giving out money to the poor, it will be essentially going to Bezos.
I’m also for student loan forgiveness, but again, we never addressed the cost of school so basically we burdened future generations with debt so bankers can get paid.
I don’t know what the solution is.
It’s hard because with Trump everything he says comes from a misguided place.
So, it’ll be like:
Trump: “We need to get rid of for profit prisons…!”
Me: “Yes…!”
Trump: “… we should simply be executing everyone in the streets!”
Me: “… No…!”
So yea… Anyway, fuck Trump and fuck the TSA
Most good things are fragile. And with most things it just takes a few assholes to ruin it.