90% of missing hikers get lost in serviced areas.
90% of missing hikers get lost in serviced areas.
free only as in beer, however
haha thats gold
erm 13! ≠ 25
gender: impl Any
i have seen this video, it is brilliant. i was asking about subtractive (paint) colours tho. i cant tell the difference at all so i doubt anyone can … tho perhaps this is what makes flowers so vibrant; its a ‘true’ yellow … nature is remarkable truly :-)
okay i havent heard of that version, i have seen similar games were all u do is point to the car. is this game common ? it seems a bit sadistic to want to hit another (even as a kid). ?? idk
is this specifically for yellow paint ? interesting … can u tell the difference ?
no that sounds sick to enjoy that but idk. i like it because its a beautiful colour :-)
yellow but its a bit conspicuous so i wouldnt get if personally
so now its the Linux users who should know better, just in case git introduces a breaking change out of nowhere ?
…but not the ones using a case-insensitive file system with case-sensitive version control ?
sorry, what ?
or voting third party in a backwards outdated voting system like that of the US
no but his portrait keeps appearing beneath my bed.
vi lernas :-)
*lernu ?
i have to confess… i am a boy.