Do you use any automatic sorting to get rid of the bed kernels? I’m wondering if industrial high speed image detection sorting machines is something you can DIY
Do you use any automatic sorting to get rid of the bed kernels? I’m wondering if industrial high speed image detection sorting machines is something you can DIY
That is very very unlikely… I still haven’t made a of site backup ;)
Hold on let me go make some offsitr backups first
Might be most efficient when power is in higedt demands, in the morning and evenings when everyone is using power at home.
You forgot to mention the Nazis imported from Germany after the war…
Most companies do not want to deal with independent contractors, there might even be some penalties for the company if the contractor screwes up their taxes.
Solution is go through on of the many consulting firms, they will deal with the paper work, might even try to match you with a job and take a large cut of the pay.
If you want to go independent you’d need to have your own business. Your life will be in a constant state of stress of either no paid work, but still writing quotes and having meetings about potential work that never materialises, or too much work.
Don’t give them any ideas , they might stop using the name Canada oil low acid and start calling it rape seed oil again
Hej, Det kan jeg godt hjæpe med, jeg har nok docker traumer fra min arbejde til at være hjælpsom
Also those two filters are open at the top, should have closed them to actually filter anything
They said no politics!
Comment has a typoo in it; it should be comment not Comment ☝️🤓
Yeah pharmacies can offer the shot but since there is no demand it is not actually available , I believe it was around 100 USD
Covid without a vaccine would have been a terrible sickness.
And yet here in Denmark you can’t get the booster if you’re not old or very sick.
Ah Flour, not Fluor. Was wondering what you’d need 500 Tons of Fluor for
Yeah that’s the worst, even if you just call them to ask if something is covered they will still make a note and use it against you.
…it is still role playing :)
I’d love a tabletob machine learning sorter, manually sort a bunch and tell it which are bad and which are good and then let it sort the rest.