this isnt religion unless you consider zionism a religion
this isnt religion unless you consider zionism a religion
oh god step away from the lathe, please dont let hungary take a piece of this shit pie… it’d also swell orban’s head even more
pff no, they ask you how sorting works and then put you to work using sql’s ORDER BY. at that point, why ask?
you must wait for your children or you will accumulate zombies
unexpected parenting advice in a UNIX programming textbook…
US famously not a kleptocratic cruel oligarchy in uh… 1776. no. it’s only going to become one now!
self-driving, and now self-tariffing? isnt technology amazing?
how will musk coup anyone he wants if he shuts down the coup machine?
even russia is unlikely to cause as much harm as the US did (though it’ll likely be dogshit), and china’s effects will be mostly good.
so yay, i guess.
they lost in the fall/winter of 41, when they failed to take moscow and collapse the soviet union. after that, they had no strategic path to victory. so long as the soviets could sustain morale and keep fighting, germany was lost. they did not have the material means to win the war, never mind the triumph of will shit.
there’s no real difference between a true believer nazi and one doing it as a bit. or one going along with it for profits. they’re all nazis.
commander keen. there really is no need to play 1-3, 4-6 is where it’s at. just make sure you pirate the non-buggy version (there’s a broken version of one or more of these games floating around abandonware sites where it looks like it works but the save game feature forgets to save your keys, which breaks some of the levels if you reload).
in a little more than 24 hours, it’ll be over! i’ll have the high ground!
until monday sneaks around me and smacks me in the back of the head…
second? the famous one was the sixth, so you’d be the seventh!
no, we have vegeta
vim will load some other rc file if it cant find your ~/.vimrc. check what it has loaded with :scriptnames
also, try starting vim in a brand new terminal with vim -u NONE
and check if it’s still happening.
amazon’s probably boosting any product with “white power” in it, that’s why you’re seeing this now
russia definitely isnt getting everything they want out of this, since the US will still be a country afterwards.
but tell me, how do you imagine these peace talks to go? do you really think there’s a chance russia just goes home after spending years taking eastern ukraine? do you think the US can make russia do this? how? with more sanctions? by putting boots on the ground and getting us into a nuclear exchange? by sending even more badly trained, badly equipped ukrainians to die on the front?
the one thing NATO hasnt tried is actually ramping up production of basic war materiel so they can at least keep pace with the russian war industry. but at this point, even that’s too little too late, since they’re running out of ukrainian soldiers to give the weapons to.
ukraine is a sovereign democracy, it cant enter into talks without the permission of its owner