I’ve been experiencing some visual glitches since 1.0. In particular some vehicles are missing textures and such.
Anybody else too?
I’ve been experiencing some visual glitches since 1.0. In particular some vehicles are missing textures and such.
Anybody else too?
I’ve had kindey stones twice so far and can confirm: it hurts. So much, I’ve formed the habit of drinking multiple liters of water a day, every day.
Its definitly rare and i’d most likely eat it too.
That’s 2,22 °C for everybody living outside of the US.
Where I live this would not be an acceptable name for anything so i got a mild shock reading the title 😅
Use a low wattage and longer duration instead
Representing chocolatey gang over here
Besser als niemals in der 4. etage anzukommen weil im Kaufhaus alle aus der 2. in die 1. wollen
Aufzüge sollten die Etagen in der Reihenfolge wie sie gedrückt wurden abfahren.
Ändere meine Meinung.
I think he has a question
Pass auf was du sagst. Gleich kommt OP wirklich mit einer Alternative… für Deutschland
Came here to complain about the use of Fahrenheit in a scientific context.
Isnt this a native firefox feature?
Are you the average anon here?
There are people that cant make a sandwich?
aBeR dIe WiRtScHaFt!!!11ölf!!
Sell it to somebody at a medium, medium cost who needs it