dont you have some baking soda to IV?
dont you have some baking soda to IV?
My advice to you is to just use your own eyes and brain, dont take anything anyone is saying as ‘more plausable’, start at the most basic assumptions and consider history; do some materialism here. Someone makes a claim, do your own research, seriously challenge the claim for yourself; if it holds up, it is good.
Do not make appeals to authority, plenty of people use degrees in one subject then grift the academic credentials they have to spin nonsense to the guilable, unless its peer reviewed and reproduced by a lot of different people its without merit; even then it would need to be pretty compelling to outright beat a simple historical analysis of what the US has done to the middle east prior to 9/11 and video footage captured of the event.
The issue with conspiracy theories, and why im not going to spend time debunking every question you threw at me is the Brandolini’s law; it takes 10x’s the amount of energy to debunk unevidenced claims than it does to make them; the onus is on you to provide compelling evidence for your claims, not for me to debunk them.
My take on the towers has been outlined in the thread, I guarentee you its closer to base reality than anything post on the pro-truther side of this.
Note that the only three high-rise buildings in history said to have collapsed by a fire are the buildings collapsed in the 911.ício_Wilton_Paes_de_Almeida
Debunked, this one collapsed.
As an engineer maybe you should take some social sciences classes that focus on research methods before running your mouth and directing people to nonsense generators who only seek to distort the truth, peddle nonsense and steal money from the vulnerable.
Seriously, if your litmus for this shit is just ‘some grifter told me in a documentry’ and you didnt bother to even fact check such a blatantly false claim you should really reconsider the foundations of what you’re engaging in.
If you don’t know the answer or it does not interest you at least don’t bash people for searching.
So far the pro-conspiracy theorists in the thread have posted theories by a guy who advocated IV’ing baking soda as a treatment for cancer, this train of thought is doing real phsycic damage.
The reason why its not even worth engaging in this nonsense is because you can just watch one of the hundreds of hours of recorded footage of the planes slamming into the towers to figure out ‘what happened’, entertaining anything else is just a black hole of nonsense that piles on 100’s of questions of speculation and quasi-science in service of grifting.
Its as simple as we meddled in the middle east and they gave the US 1% of the taste of there own medicine, nothing deeper.
I agree that ultimately it don’t matter since we will get the truth in some years or decades or maybe never,
The truth really isnt that hard to grasp, the nonsense that comes in afterwards on the contary shouldnt be tried to grasp, it is a symptom of the lack of critical thinking taught to americans and the mass delusions they regularly engage in, in place of actually learning solid theory that could improve there lives, this is convienent for the upper class.
I can absolutely tell someone to get off the stream of making controlled demolotion theories, it is not a productive stream of thought to go down and only fills the head with utter nonsense.
most important and impactful event of the century.
In the american conciousness maybe, to most people in the world its barely a 4/10; the aftermath, sure, but given the first gulf war already happened I think they would have found any excuse if it didnt.
Conpiracy theorists swatting away any debunking, if you look at the review page for the 1st one I linked 90% of people are calling it 10/10 the best thing ever made with 100+ upvotes.
Its exploitative as fuck.
My advice?
Stop caring, it happened, america carried out a genocide in response and people are still faslely imprisoned in concentration camps on cuban soil as a result.
This entire thing is just a black hole designed to waste your time and is predicated on you having a bias and working backwards from there rather than starting with no assumptions and doing a proper analysis.
Asking me 200 questions of easily debunked nonsense isnt going to strengthen your arguement and is a typical response to a conspiracy theorist being called out, instead of wasting my time debunking all of this shit (which you wont care about anyway) I will instead just say that like most conspiracy theorists, you all agree on what happened but cannot agree on why it happened.
This is a mythology and is not serious analysis, you are engaging in religion not marxism.
The last line starts to come closer to the truth, that the upper class knew; sure.
But its more they just ‘knew’ that installing dictators and repeatdly invading a region will destabilize it and create generations of people who are willing to commit acts of terror against you.
I have 0 patience for people posting any analysis of this that ignores the big fact that someone like, flew a fucking plane into the towers.
The entire eastern front is collapsing and Zelensky is currently begging Putin to not hit Ukraines energy grid this winter.
Same director btw
Also no im not watching a 4 and a half hour brain rot documentry by a cancer and moon landing hoaxer lol
Im sensing a struggle session inbound
Truthers and general 9/11 conspiracy theories have always read to me as american exceptionalism, like you cant conceive another group of people in a different country hate your country so much they would fly a plane into the twin towers.
Whats more likely, the conspiracy or that the people you have been waging genocidal wars against for the last 50 years finally had enough?
Its just a distraction from americans genocidal foriegn policy, I strongly advise you get a grip.
SSS+ Tier;
Pathologic 1 + 2
Absolute vibes, so good.
Project Zomboid, SH2 remake, Paratopic
Cruelty squad, world of horror, cry of fear
All that springs to mind rn.
Fascists and communists are the only ones that understand this.
The difference is for communists, its the last resort, with fascists its the point.
If this follows the maiden coups trajectory, keep an eye on lgbt+ and socialist protests (actual ones, not euro-communists) for aggitation by nato black boot operatives.
The telltale signs will be murder and violence.
For whatever reason its targetted frequently by spammers with that.
I also saw someone on it get banned recently for ‘workerism’ lmao, its not a serious website, ran by liberterian anarchist american pmc moderators who are all ex-4/8 channers.
When liberals go ‘free Taiwan’ you show them this lol
I feel the exact same way as you regarding sex work.
Yeah I agree the way he frames it and talks about betrays his actual reactionary feelings of disgust at sex workers (as well as trans people) which is why hes clearly a right-devionanist
He might have made some good contributions to breaking myths related to the USSR, but sometimes assholes make one good point, its important to be critical of everyone and not fall victim to cults of personality.
its peer reviewed by fellow peers, that is to say, its reviewed by people who already agree with the initial conclusion, this is bias.
they do not use a null hypothesis, this is basic scientific investigation and without one its complete garbage. A null hypothesis is basically asking ‘is this studies initial observation even correct or could it be other things’, without even considering this its bad science as you dont account for the bias of the researcher, which is basic research methods
the study doesnt even definatively say anything, just that it might have been thermite but they dont actually know, you can try and hide this behind academic language but nothing in that paper is definitive.
Again none of these peoples opinons actually mean anything, I could make up anything I want about it, there is still video evidence of the planes flying into the towers and video evidence of the burn that happened for hours afterwards, as i’ve demonstrated previously there IS examples of steel buildings falling over as a result of uncontrolled burns.
I dont need to trust government reports or bunk studies by grifters trying to capitalize on a tragedy, I can see it with my own eyes.