She was given the rank of 1-Star general posthumously last year because of this I believe.
I think they want to fast track it. These are the people who masturbate over their piles of firearms hoping someone breaks into their house so they can legally murder someone.
Ah yes, his human shield he’s had since The Luigi Event.
I think it’s too late. One’s already the president of the US and one is a former reality TV star who was elected to be the president of the US.
I told you, I did not make any of that up. They’re a bunch of weird little guys.
Now, as an average libsoftiktok follower, where do I call in the bomb threat? The gun owners house for owning the transgender gun? The gun manufacturer for making a transgender gun? The NRA for not making transgender guns illegal? The state capitol for allowing the transgender gun on their grounds? Or nowhere because there’s evidence of the thing actually happening?
They are an American far-right group that beat an initiate until they can name 5 cereal brands for their initiation ritual, can’t masturbate more than once every 30 days, and are named after a deleted song from Disney’s Aladdin movie which is also their club song, and are against “feminization” of American men.
When asked in a 2020 debate if Trump would publicly condem them he told them to “Stand down and stand by.”
I have not made up any of those facts.
Why do you think he’s been running around with a human shield one of his kids at all times recently?
I was in Houston for Freezageddon. I was without power for 4 days and nights. Luckily I had a gas fire place and didn’t freeze.
Why’s he gotta bad talk the president like that.
The executive order gave something like 3 months for the secretary of interior to rename it. Trump’s guy hasnt been confirmed as secretary of interior.
Cheap-ass Chinese AI yesterday and TSMC tariffs today? Big Ls for Nvidia lately.
Best we can do is more bombs for Israel.
Yes but now all the screetching heads can screetch it was all made by China and funded by George Soros and all Fauci’s fault and all the horrible talking points because there is a “source” that “proves” it was a man-made leak.
I know people in AZ and southern California who do the same thing but to Mexico
The order was issued by the new Secretary of State Marco Rubio, who said there are exceptions to the order when it came to Prisoner of War/Missing in Action flag and the Wrongful Detainees flag, as these specific flags will be able allowed to be flown on state department facilities.
I wonder if Jared’s $2 billion from the saudis stems from this though… Plus the saudis paying Trump to use his golf courses for their golf league. Not all of it had to go to him, but there’s a lot of “American products” that could benefit him if purchased.
2nd amendment AKA bubba with a larger arsenal than an army arms room.