Only the watermark. I had to follow the rule after I subscribed, I stole it from know your meme a few days ago because I must have found it funny. Will continue to lurk through subscriptions after this ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Only the watermark. I had to follow the rule after I subscribed, I stole it from know your meme a few days ago because I must have found it funny. Will continue to lurk through subscriptions after this ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Someone has to write all these shitty articles how bad the other generations are.
Warzone 2100 is also pretty good. c&c vibes. I also enjoyed Widelands. It’s like a Settlers 2 remake.
Lmao this is Linux! A new distribution is only a new source to fork from, distributions only die after the last maintainer has left. Besides, Fedora atomic is build in a ci/cd pipeline from Fedora with high automation, chances Bazzite gets forks and custom editions are basically baked in and sold as advantages of this approach.
I recommend using windows tools to shrink windows partitions if you only have one drive and read about manual partitioning for your Linux install - though the “use free space” option should work fine after windows shrunk itself.
Lmao, roll-playing at its best!
Orc, orc, orc you eat ice cream with a…
“Roll a constitution based slight of hand check, add your polearm proficiency.” … “You wake up with extra exhaustion and d12 dignity damage.”
Last year Twente airport near Enschede hosted the longest® flea market. But bring a car this is not the Randstad with amazing public transport. It’s again this year:
♬Wenn der Reifenabrieb im U-Bahnschacht versinkt♬
Wero ist das Niederländische iDeal in Umverpackung, hierzulande der Marktstandard für Onlinezahlungen. Ich hoffe es setzt sich durch und ich kann endlich auch grenzüberschreitend in Deutschland damit zahlen und Geld fordern. / the youtube channel hardware unboxed is also recommendable - consumer focus and willing to correct themselves when new data drops. The most important thing is to get your requirements right - what resolution, do you buy modern games or everything on high discount, what are you currently not happy about(need 30,50,70,100% more?), are you willing to sell your current card to offset your upgrade costs… good luck!
CES is next week, unless you get a really good deal, this is the moment to wait and see how the market will shift this year. As for your performance question, I recommend the relative performance table at the bottom of your current gpu’s page:
Starting with Visual Studio (not code) helps a ton. Make a simple winforms application with a button and some labels and you will start to see how it ‘starts up’ from program.cs to your form.
There are two dozens of us!
Oh it’s well hidden in the details, but the interest gets paid. In fact, if you miss a single payment, you pay everyones interest. And they will absolutely come after you for an originally tiny amount of money.
Sumup rechnet 1,4% für seine Kartenzahlungen. Ich glaub das Ding ist dass niemand Prozentrechnung beherrscht und darum lieber 3-10% für die gesamte abendliche Bargeldeinzahlung zahlt als 1,5% für jede Transaktion.
I like badblocks in destructive mode. It can also do multiple rounds of overwriting. It is also a good tool to burn in a new hdd or test a used one. just check smartctl bad sector count, run it, check again if it increased.