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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Well, look - my softie bleeding heart librul values make me absolutely hate it when economic uncertainty leads to people losing their homes and their livelihoods. But this is the government that we, the people voted for. And if the government that we, the people voted for is creating economic uncertainty that is causing people to lose their homes and their livelihoods, then my bleeding librul heart bleeds for the people who are displaced. But I am also well versed in irony, and brother, this is an irony smorgasbord.

    If you’re one of the people who voted for the guy who’s creating the economic uncertainty that’s currently fucking your shit up… brother, I’m not sure what I can do for you.

    Resistance is always the last option. The best option, and the first you should turn to, is voting in a way that is consistent with your values and your economic priorities. If you voted for this, and you’re upset at what your voting got you… I’m not sure that you’re going to like what I’ve got to tell you.

  • I think you took my post in a spirit other than which it was intended, and then just sprinted away with it.

    We, in the terms of my post, is Americans. We voted for Donald Trump, whether it was casting a ballot for him directly, voting 3rd party, or just failing to show up. 75 million people voted for Harris, but that wasn’t enough. 77.3 million voted for Trump, and around 90 million people who could have voted simply did not vote at all. So basically, of the eligible voting population, only around 31% of us voted for Harris. 69% of us either couldn’t be fucked to vote at all, or voted for that fat orange piece of shit.

    So… we deserve what we voted for.

    Note that in the above, the “we” includes you, but does not blame you. It sounds like you did what you could to prevent it, but it simply wasn’t enough. Not enough people cared. Now we all have to suffer.

  • Ultimately, at this point it boils down to a choice: either abandon the principles of democracy and cling to power, or transfer power peacefully to the next government. Biden and Harris ain’t gonna do option 1, nor should they. We should have to face the consequences of our idiotic actions. So, since they’re going to peacefully transfer power, at this point, it’s all about preserving whatever shreds of their own legacy they’ve got left. And to whinge and moan at this point would be beneath their dignity.

    They lost. They’re adults. They’re bummed about it, but they’re going to keep a stiff upper lip and not degrade themselves.