He could have tried to take action on wages though. Even Harris was relatively quiet on wages.
He could have tried to take action on wages though. Even Harris was relatively quiet on wages.
99% of people will never even know this is a thing. It’s going to have more negative impact on low wage earners who show up than anything else.
Their actions indicate to me they’re exaggerating his threat. His actions make me think this is crazy world and they’re not taking it seriously enough. Make it make sense.
I’m daily feeding a 15yo boy, two 17yo girls, a 20yo girl, a cat, and my wife and I. I thought my monthly food spending was too high 20 years ago when we were just expecting our first kid, we ate out a little more than we needed to. I’m spending triple that now, almost never eating out, and I make less than I did 20 years ago too. It’s completely unsustainable.
They use that word in “family friendly” automotive related YouTube channels all the time without getting dinged for demonitization or bans etc. Maybe their moderators have learned context?
If we took away strawmanning, there wouldn’t be much Internet left.
Live short and pass along your money.
I get it. I grew up with a best friend who lived with 9 people in a one bedroom apartment, I played marbles with him and his brothers so many times in the early '80s. It was better than their homeland.
The US is predatory in the healthcare industry, the housing industry, the food industry and the education industry, but that is a generalization. If there’s a narrative, it’s that the American dream is anything but a lottery at this point. At least it is safer than much of the world, for now. Outside of a dozen or so gang riddled cities, the murder rates are pretty low.
Yeah I eat quite a few plant-based meals but I’m glad they’re vegetarians who are okay with dairy and eggs and not fully vegan. I don’t know if I could afford two vegans in the house on top of the other four of us. Food costs are crazy right now. I think having hand raised backyard chickens who love to be held and love to give their eggs, that made the difference. Not all poultry farming or milk production is traumatic. If I could get a little more land I’d think about a few milk cows so I could make my own cheese.
Toronto is becoming unaffordable for the working class. High cost of living is what is breaking the US too. I don’t really know why people want to seek asylum in the west. I guess if you’re okay sharing the floor of a room with a few other people on sleeping pads then the rest of the world must be an event worse shithole. You have to work two hours just to afford lunch.
My daughter has a boyfriend who lives on the outskirts of London. He was shocked at the cost of things in fucking Cincinnati. Ohio is in the cheaper half of US states.
My problem is we have three teenagers of our own plus an extra one who lives with us 60% of the time. Two of them are vegetarian but eat eggs for protein. The rest of us just like eggs. We go through about 3-4 dozen a week.
You’re describing good regulation. It exists. It’s buried under piles of bullshit. Also, you’re very polite.
Overregulation helps megacorps. Little guys can’t compete. It has been a piece facilitating late stage capitalism.
Well you see, he didn’t succeed in draining the swamp last time so now he’s dousing it in gasoline and setting it on fire.
Whatever it was, it’s zero now.
Men are killed more often. But men generally have less fear. We go boldly unto death.
Gangs drive murder rates. Looking at areas in the US without gang activity, the murder rate is almost as low anywhere else in the world.
She has, uh, other qualifications.
Democrats could actually campaign on healthcare for all, living wages and stop trying to restrict gun ownership for the working class. But here we are. But then they’d have to actually help poor people instead of trapping them in cycles of dependency, and tax the rich. There’s a reason they shut Bernie down. Their owners don’t like those things.
I’ve been moving over a few machines but some software isn’t easy to just switch. I have at least a dozen more to move, and a few machines I’m going to keep on Windows for now.