I’m a technical kinda guy, doing technical kinda stuff.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023

  • You don’t need an entire web server in your daemon, you just need the socket.

    Include a websocket listener in the daemon. Keep a ringbuffer of the last X data points, whatever nicely fills your client graph, for example. Wait for clients to connect, dump in the ringbuffer, then update clients as data comes in.

    The webserver can serve up the page with the client code that links to the websocket. After that it’s strictly a discussion between the end client and the daemon over websockets.

  • In Australia with similar parking companies they have to prove that the losses incurred would amount to what they are trying to invoice.

    That is, the invoiced amount can’t be a penalty, it can only be up to the amount required to recoup the financial loss they would incur from being unable to rent out that spot for the duration under their usual rates. This is the basic “making them whole again” principle of compensation that applies in the legal system when parties are injured.

    The “penalty” amount that they attempt to invoice is thus pretty difficult for them to justify, seeing that all day parking can usually be had for $20 or so.

  • They’re not missing funds though, it’s not a discrepancy in accounting. They overpaid , they know where the money is, and it’s simply a business decision whether to recover it or not.

    They could have simply filtered on overpayment above some arbitrary value based around recovery vs goodwill.

    Or they could have let it slide, but still notify people so that they wouldn’t be wondering if it was an accounting error.

    But no, they want to recover 23 cents which is well below the cost of everyone’s time and effort to deal with, on both sides of the transaction.

  • And holy shit does their algorithm latch onto any minor interest in their content.

    Accidentally tapped on a floor tiling video the other day, three days of tiling and handyman videos jammed into my feed and me pressing the “not interested” button on every single one.

    Facebook, I am there for the rare post from my 150 or so friends and family. That’s it. Nothing else.

    The reason we don’t use it anymore is because actual posts from real humans we know are buried under a torrent of shit. Sometimes their posts take days to surface leading to all sorts of chain-mail posts on how to “get your feed back”. None of which work because the whole business model is about jamming sponsored shit down your throat.

  • Starlink sats have enough transmit power and receive gain to use normal cellular frequencies with a normal antenna on the phone side.

    You might think it’s a long way to space, but a few hundred kilometres of direct line of sight to your cellphone antenna isn’t that much more to overcome compared to say, 25 km to a cell tower on the ground.

    The biggest hurdle was getting a few thousand satellites into orbit so that coverage and availability is there.